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Posts posted by Tony

  1. 6 minutes ago, Hi G00gle said:

    I find it strange that everyone is guessing but no one is recommending some testing. Get your hands on a copy of Hiren's boot CD (You can download it to a USB, and boot from it), and then run the MemTest, along with some CPU torture program. If you don't want to create such a bootable, then I would download Prime95, which puts alot of pressure on your CPU/RAM, if it doesn't turn off while running, it is probably not your CPU / RAM. Also, can you post a full log of what hardware you got?


    Edit: If you are on Windows 10: Go to Start, typ eventvwr - Then go to Windows logs, and go to System. and take a careful look at the red ' ! ' signs, if you find any - Please post them below.

    We fixed it reddit! It was a faulty surge protector lol

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  2. 2 minutes ago, Decode said:

    My computer keeps switching off randomly with no warning message. Also, sometimes restarts with no warning. Sometimes after this happens and i try switch it on, it will turn off straight away too. Anyone who can find me a fix for this issue or tell me what my issue is exactly (Dont want to be attempting to fix a non-issue) will be rewarded. 

    Sounds like a temperature issue. Can you fry an egg on your setup?

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    Try code.org or codecademy.com for free high quality beginner coding content. No proficient scripter will work for $50 a week, and honestly, if you are truly a beginner you don't need lessons from the guys on this forum yet - there's tons of free material that comprehensively covers beginner to intermediate level stuff.

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  4. 1 hour ago, siilentalk said:

    If you can sort a VMM who will meet the demands of my terms and conditions, including all screenshots and cooldown period, that is fine.

    You also stated the last time we spoke on discord that Panda was a VMM. This is false, and wrong for you to suggest when working on his behalf. @Lost Panda

    If you find a genuine VMM and cover fees etc, not a problem.  I have vouches for orders with accounts with upwards of 200m wealth, i won't pay for a VMM

    I'm not interested in this order. I have been more than reasonable and have been met with aggression. I think there might be a reason that after going on 4 days you have only had 1 interested party. I have vouches for accounts with over 500m of wealth. This isn't some ego measuring contest. Nonetheless, I wish you luck in finding someone willing to agreeing to your set of demands.

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  5. 1 hour ago, Anon145 said:

    that might be relevant but in no way is that the key reason this is happening lol, plus the only candidates that represent young people are outside of the left-right circus running as independents picking up 10% of the vote with no hope of winning. what u highlight is the symptom, the cause for disenfranchisement of the young is related to a vast difference between what generations consider important. i only see it changing when the boomers all die off

    What I highlight is a solution. I feel just a disenfranchised as you, but there are alternative political options out there. The politicians represent who voted them in. The older generation vote, therefore the older generation get representation, unfortunately resulting in career politicians who are asked to legislate on a relatively new medium they are ignorant of. If you want things to change you have to actively try to make that change occur, instead of waiting a few decades for you to become that older generation. That way of thinking only perpetuates the issue.

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  6. 1 hour ago, Anon145 said:

    All these old white-haired men and women deciding on the future of a tool predominately used by the next-generation. Nice.

    Maybe the next-generation should stop voting them in then. We are consistently the least likely demographic to show up at the polling booths across the board, so why would the career politicians give a shit about their views or future? It's not like they are going to see any sort of backlash in support - we don't fucking show up anyway.

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  7. 10 hours ago, Knuckolls said:

    what in the fuck is a link tax?

    Argument is that when sites like Facebook link news articles people just read the autogenerated preview and move on, meaning the original article gets zero interaction or revenue. Proponents say the link tax is aimed to try and make the big news aggregators like twitter and facebook pay the original content creators if their platform hosts such links in the future. Critics say it's the last scream of a dying industry and that the link tax is unenforceable and limits free speech in order for big businesses to turn a profit. Hope this clears it up a bit :)

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