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Posts posted by Tony

  1. 2 minutes ago, NakedPotato said:

    My heart is still broken. I hope everyone will respect the privacy of Penny and I as we work through our differences and determine our next steps as a couple. We have no further comment at this time.

    We are here for you, though I'm sure you will get back to pennetration soon enough!

  2. My friends, today I made a grave discovery. Respected member of the community and soon to be Jmod @Knuckolls

    has been discovered to have been living a lie all these years. It first came about when Knuckolls made a seemingly innocent joke.





    He insists he wasn't serious, but leaked nudes revealed the shocking truth (Viewer discretion advised):



    After the leak Cuckolls agreed to sit down in a tell-all interview with now ex-lover, @NakedPotato  We are still waiting for this to be released, but do have this teaser to keep us going:



    Knuck has asked me to request that he now be referred to as "Penny"


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  3. 4 hours ago, Knuckolls said:

    Bob Bot looked at the ripped blade in his hands and felt stressed.

    He walked over to the window and reflected on his derelict surroundings. He had always loved idyllic Runescape with its tired, tense Trees. It was a place that encouraged his tendency to feel stressed.

    Then he saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Jagex . Jagex was a spiteful bear with wobbly eyelashes and chubby fingers.

    Bob gulped. He glanced at his own reflection. He was a cowardly, daring, brandy drinker with chubby eyelashes and dirty fingers. His friends saw him as an aggressive, annoying animal. Once, he had even helped a sleepy old man cross the road.

    But not even a cowardly person who had once helped a sleepy old man cross the road, was prepared for what Jagex had in store today.

    The drizzle rained like swimming mice, making Bob sparkly.

    As Bob stepped outside and Jagex came closer, he could see the fancy smile on his face.

    Jagex glared with all the wrath of 7668 intelligent black blue bottles. He said, in hushed tones, "I hate you and I want To Ban."

    Bob looked back, even more sparkly and still fingering the ripped blade. "Jagex, you are Banned," he replied.

    They looked at each other with sad feelings, like two glorious, good guppies talking at a very selfish disco, which had trance music playing in the background and two grateful uncles sleeping to the beat.

    Bob studied Jagex's wobbly eyelashes and chubby fingers. Eventually, he took a deep breath. "I'm sorry," began Bob in apologetic tones, "but I don't feel the same way, and I never will. I just don't hate you Jagex."

    Jagex looked afraid, his emotions raw like a bewildered, boiling banana.

    Bob could actually hear Jagex's emotions shatter into 9296 pieces. Then the spiteful bear hurried away into the distance.

    Not even a glass of brandy would calm Bob's nerves tonight.

    THE END 

    To the tune of "Waking the Demon"

    DISCLAIMER: I didn't make this. A bot did.


    Faster than a Jed's career dive
    Terrifying Losing 46b
    Enraged and like a demon
    He's half man and half ghost

    Master of stealing I'm pulling your Jagex's milky udders
    Twisting your My Arm and smashing your Hopes of being a Rot general
    Blinded by me, you can't see the truth
    Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you cry
    Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you cry

    321 is the number of the Losing 46b.

    An aroused Jed nestled somewhere in time
    A voluptuous Jagex - no warnings, no signs
    Judgment day and the a moist Rot arrives
    Eventually, they all commit crimes

    The Hopes of being a Rot general went SMACK, there was no use turning back
    'Cause I just had to see, was a Losing 46b watching me?
    In the mist the My Arm twists
    Was all this swell, or just some kind of hell?

    321 is the number of the Losing 46b.

    Is it the end, my friend?
    Master you're going 'round the bend
    Half man and half ghost
    No, no, please, no
    321 ... 321

  4. 1 hour ago, leomar28 said:

    subir de nivel el hunter  

    ¡Sube de nivel al cazador usando los servicios Dbuffed!
    Ofrecemos los mejores precios y la más alta calidad de trabajo.
    Sin automatización, empleados confiables y la marca más grande.
    ¡Utiliza Dbuffed hoy!
  5. 37 minutes ago, packthebowlll said:

    Lol all of that is obvious, I got that in the first post.. it's just like any other botting activity. But again, without this post how are they gonna know? There's always one person out there willing to share their knowledge. 

    It's not just like any other botting activity. It's away and beyond more exclusive than goldfarming. You know how goldfarmers stonewall you when you ask them for their method? Yeah. Imagine that goldfarmer was making 5-10x what he currently is. Nobody is going to screw up their irl income to help some random on the internet.

  6. Just now, packthebowlll said:

    of course, but without the post - those who are 'least likely to want to help' won't know I'm looking for help?


    let me rephrase. These people make tens of billions off that niche. The more people doing it, the less money they make. It's not a case of them being "unlikely to help", more a case of "More people successfully doing this could cost them a lot of money and therefore anyone actually involved in this will never help you"

  7. 29 minutes ago, packthebowlll said:

    and why's that?

    You are looking for the opinions of a large community on a bot application that is so niche that the good scripts cost thousands to buy and are only used by a handful of users. The only demographic that can offer you useful advice on staking bots are the least likely to want to help you.

  8. I could be wrong but I was under the impression that Jagex doesnt always immediately ban upon detection. It doesn't seem out of this world to suggest that a lot of accounts that survive botting for a while didn't escape immediate detection but were just spared a few days/weeks to obscure their bot detection. I could be wrong but the fact that you were banned that fast being the script's fault seems like a false premise. Every script gets you banned eventually.

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