I am also noticing some issues with the bot for rune drags. It doesn't pull out my pot doses (3) after it sips the (4) when it banks. So basically if i run out of 4 doses the script stops, even though i have hundreds of 3, 2 and 1 doses. I also noticed it equips the ring of dueling for ferox tele instead of just right click tele.
Hi Czar! Been using your fighter bot for a while and I love it. Just a question- i wanted to run the rune dragon script, does it have a pre-set rune drag option? Or should i manually set up all the drops and banking, tele, etc.?
Hey @Czar- one issue im having is that before my bot takes a break and logs out, it leaves the cannon there and when i log back in the cannon is gone and i have to go claim it. Can you make an option where the cannon can be picked up before breaks are taken?