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Everything posted by rbrewer

  1. i would love to sample wintertodt bot if you can let me use it for 2 days i would feedback, and work with you as tester ect in future and ways, i would like to try out a couple scripts before the purchase please trowler mini game blast furnace runecrafting can do them one at a time if you want please and thanks. i want wintertodt first though. appreciate what u do. i would love to sample wintertodt bot if you can let me use it for 2 days i would feedback, and work with you as tester ect in future and ways, i would like to try out a couple scripts before the purchase please trowler mini game blast furnace runecrafting can do them one at a time if you want please and thanks. i want wintertodt first though. appreciate what u do. or request template
  2. Looking for free or free trials. For farming, runecrafting, fishing trawler,nmz, blast furnace and wintertodt
  3. anyone have or know of a blast furnace or nightmare zone script i can try?
  4. guess idk what im doing whats a good place for to train at
  5. ultimate aio an my stats are 65/81/70... 82 range and 80 mage plus got vip
  6. what would someone recommend to train cb. ikno about the chinning and barragin ect.. i havbe waisted money on scripts thinking they would be something better, before i dump anymore money i would like to hear what everyone recommends. love the website though huge fan!!!
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