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Everything posted by Delivery

  1. high preformance sounds good
  2. try a cpu miner, although i don't recommend it burnt out my old pc's cpu
  3. are there any examples of code that use Invoke on an Entity? The InvokeMenuAction requires an itemID which seems impossible for an npc
  4. oh sweet, I can change my old script that uses Mouse to invoke now
  5. Is the Menu Invoke's different to the regular .interact methods that use the mouse? is it more accurate for making 1 tick scripts?
  6. I see in Explv's AIO there is something that highlights Tree's that you are chopping, is there something similar to mark tiles in a similar way to runelite? EXPLV's Woodcutting reference: if (targetTree != null) { graphics.setColor(Color.GREEN); getGraphics().drawEntity(targetTree, graphics); } This is colouring an Entity , however the tile is not an entity...
  7. when you launch add the cli args -debug or --debug can't remember if cli accepts 1 or 2 - 's But I've had troubles in the past where it would print to the debugger for errors instead of the log
  8. enable -debug when you launch and see if any null errors are being thrown somewhere and not being logged
  9. are you sure that the code in the onLoop is being reached? also Explv says disable random events if you overwrite it, Looks like he grabs the PLAY NOW text widget too haven't made my own yet though so can't really help much more
  10. try logging or printing, Is it the widget not being found? Try running this, Haven't tested it but it might work if (getWidgets().getWidgetContainingText("CLICK HERE TO PLAY") != null) { // Requires mouse click getWidgets().getWidgetContainingAction("Play").interact("Play"); }
  11. It's not actually that complex. You need a Webserver (HTTP or Sockets) Server Code example: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3732109/simple-http-server-in-java-using-only-java-se-api Client you will need to find your own.. /GET - State (Server will either reply RequiresMule = True || False (Mules will use this) - your mule will constantly get this page every 60s , most the time it will just be False (by default) /POST - Update State (Your bots will use this) When a bot is ready to mule it will send a request which will set your RequiresMule = True so your mule knows to login. Then you add logic to your osbot script to go to your designated place to mule and do it. Then profit..?
  12. ironman AIO, trains skills and collects resources then trains combat afterwards Then I will make the same scripts and we will fight Iron VS Iron in f2p
  13. do you want to make Iron man accounts from scratch and bot for supplies and stats & then fight afterwards?
  14. Account #1: Pure Account has a few skills already too - 900+ Total Level - Prayer from Quest Priest in peril Price: $50 BTC / 07 Gold Equivilent If you want certain stats to be higher with a new offer PM me I can arrange do that too. any stats removed expect to be <20 Account #2: Rocky Pet For sale $20 BTC / 07 gp accepted @ same rate Offence Status for All accounts: I am the original owner for all of these accounts, The Emails are unverified.
  15. if you're using a proxy it's displayed in the window title at the top
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