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Everything posted by Delivery

  1. Method does not work? I am using stealth & I call this function 100x, I thought it would wait 100 game ticks and I have it log each time the function is called, all 100x are called immediately. Is there a way to wait until the next game tick (e.g 1 tick ags switch will be successful every time then)
  2. I can't find any documentation on cancel offer method, Do I have to grab widgets and make my own methods ?
  3. Is it possible to view the Webwalking path and get a distance value for a position? I want to be able to Chop the closest tree to me by distance not distance by a bird's flight. A Tree might be 2 tiles from me but is actually 14 tiles distance & there could be a 4 tile tree right next to me.
  4. Player P = getPlayers().closest("jagex"); P.getDefinition().getAppearance(); Is this really the only way to get the appearanceId's for what another player is wearing when attacking you...? It does not seem right that I would have to map every single weapon just to know what my opponent is attacking me with.. tell me there's a better way...
  5. I run 100 accounts and make 69gp per day in total
  6. Alternatively you could just change your Trade filter to Clan only or Friends Only then it will only display trades from these users.
  7. Just make it so your accounts do a dance emote and only Mule to accounts that dance
  8. thought you were asking for ideas of a script to make
  9. nah fury has his head screwed on properly
  10. nearly all of my accounts were banned a few weeks ago
  11. I mean if it really won't load the inventory, could do a conditionalSleep until myPlayer().exists(); or getInventory() !=null
  12. how about setting the default value to null and make it get the count in the onloop if the var is still null
  13. I've had instant locks from non botted accs.
  14. I once cheated on kahoot by looking up the answers.
  15. Make a webserver that pings when you're online and store that in a database? use your SSL skills and make it on a site
  16. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=failed+to+load+canberra-gtk-module&atb=v377-4fa&ia=web does this help? I just read the output
  17. Just re-reading this.. If you care about 400m on your account so much that you'll even make a post like this Why are you botting Just as likely to catch a ban...
  18. might also want getInventory.contains("Bronze axe") || getEquipment...
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