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LiamBaby last won the day on June 24 2013

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  1. Due to cloudflare giving me "Error 502 Ray ID: 1752b7e19e0c0551 Bad gateway" no matter what I do to pm someone, I'm unable to provide keys via PM. If you still wish to retrieve the key, please add my Skype: liam_baby
  2. I'm getting a cloudflare offline message whenever I try to message you. You can add me from Skype. 1 vouch copy left! Now selling 6 month keys. Same price: $2.50 29796 keys left.
  3. I'll provide you with the key, and once you see that it works you'll need to post a vouch back on this thread. This is to help my sales by proving it is legit I have added your skype
  4. Vouch copy sent "You cannot start another PM topic until 02 October 2014 - 12:16 AM" Will send yours when I'm available to, or you can retrieve the code directly by adding me on skype: liam_baby
  5. Selling 6 month premium CyberGhost keys for $2.50 each. (Original price $69.99) seen here: https://www.cyberghostvpn.com/en_us/buy Giving 3 vouch copies. Vouch copies left: 1 PayPal only
  6. LiamBaby

    Sig I made

    The render should be deeper within the background, the focal on the left is much darker than the right side and gets darker too early. The C4D's and other vibrant effects look pretty good, the color flow and composition is pretty great with a few minor flaws. Would not recommend pentooling her hair as it looks like an 8 year old opened paint and scribbled a few outlines on it. Seems like an attempt to blend the pink in? Remove the text too, the text has no flow, no blending, and pretty much ruins the piece. Pretty good, keep it up.
  7. LiamBaby

    Veteran glow

    Yes please, thanks
  8. Quick and Easy to import http://invisionmodding.com/files/file/1886-sos32-board-index-stats-new-format/ This basically makes the footer stats more organised. What you're changing: Before: After:
  9. Did you activate the accounts?
  10. LiamBaby

    Zuriox Designs

    Vouch for Zuriox
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