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  1. nope. free to add my discord if you have anything to suggest, or discuss.. jakemueller100#7910
  2. hi, may I please trial this?
  3. It's something with docker, everything runs fine on linux server locally, without docker
  4. Hello, appreciate any suggestions if you can help figure this out. bit of background.. this is running headless on a server using -allow nointerface in a docker container. so far only osMiner & f2p hill giants has worked, khals woodcutter worked for a bit on the server itself but before and since that time bot cant locate the .properties file, and other scripts with CLI havent really worked. My own scripts are not able to be found, played around with various places to put the script, names, files and permissions, nada. this is how I'm naming it usually picture of the filestructure java -jar /usr/share/OSBot/osbot.jar -debug 5007 -allow nointerface -login usr:pw.123 -bot bot@gmail.com:botpw:1234 -script jakesbird:null -world 347 cat /proc/$(ps aux | grep "/usr/share/OSBot/osbot.jar" | grep -v grep -m 1 | awk '{print $2}')/fd/1 package script; import org.osbot.rs07.script.Script; import org.osbot.rs07.script.ScriptManifest; import sections.*; import util.Sleep; @ScriptManifest(author = "jakemuell1925", name ="jakesbird", info = "Completes Tutorial Island", version=0, logo = "") public final class TutorialIsland extends Script {
  5. Hi, may I please trial this script. thanks
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