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  1. You can use as many instances / bots as your computer can handle with VIP. I don't know about the banrate -- I don't use this script.
  2. Found my bot following and spamclicking the butler again.. Some bugs: - occassionally follows butler/demon butler instead of pressing 'call servant' - occassionally gets stuck at portal outside, clicking portal instead of interacting with 'enter your house' menu - occassionally clicks servant repeatedly instead of interacting with the 'repeat last action' menu
  3. -Patched BreakManager time randomization BTW, is the handling of Random Events broken and is 'dismiss all Random Events' broken?
  4. We paid 10 bucks for this script.. so is it unreasonable to suggest improvements? I think not, lose the attitude. As for the doors; closing the doors that are closest to the lectern (let's say within 8 tiles) shouldn't be such a hassle, right? I have closed the doors every time I start the script, but when it logs out (break handler, disconnect, etc) the doors re-open. Also, 'render doors open = on' doesn't fix this because your script doesn't handle opening doors.. (Was at work, script somehow logged out.. but dat profit!) gg wp
  5. Dude, I forgot login details for my 99 mage 90 smithing superheating alt.. I can't even remember the email address used I actually found 30M on my old EOC account (created WAY before EOC).. last logged in, 900 days ago
  6. Highly recommend blocking out some of the stats on the screenshot. Read this topic for more info: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/73024-safety-announcement-regarding-account-sales/
  7. Yes, it does call the butler. I have a bell-pull and use call servant obviously.. but sometimes the script will still wander. It doesn't always do this, but I can't really find the reason it does this. So two suggestions for the script: - make it close doors so mr butler won't wander off - check if you have enough supplies. if not --> log out, terminate script
  8. What are the easiest teleport / combat / item requirements for this script? Very interested in this, so I want a trial but I'll have to make sure I meet requirements first
  9. GP/hour is so low because my bot kept logging in after I ran out of supplies while asleep. Could you please include a feature in the bot that will stop the script when it runs out of supplies? I think logging in over and over for HOURS is a great way to get banned.. New proggy:
  10. Nothing. It gave the menu for last action / thanks, but it didn't interact with the menu. Only clicking the butler 24/7
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