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  1. hey boss would love to trial run this before picking it up to work out all the bugs
  2. hey boss so today with the deadman drop the script has not ran or starts at all.. any info on that? seems like I've downloaded the osbot client 3 times each time the script will fail to even start up. let me know what you think i could try and do! or if something you can get fixed appreciate ya brother. and to add i have other scripts that are working fine this is the only one not working at the moment
  3. with new updates to osbot and runescape itself, does the script usually run a bit un steady or wrong for a short time? its not worked all day since downloading the new update. just wanted to know if this was common? issues I've noticed, script will run to center of the beach and just adjust the camera back and forth the whole match, other times mid script it will begin to shake and the mouse curser is stuck in a spot where the script is attempting to click on a fishing spot with no spot active.
  4. hey boss, loved the last temp script, would love to run the kinks out of this one before getting it, mind helping me with a trial boss? appreciate ya.
  5. got it working runs beautiful, should be picking it up later today! from someone who has never done this, for my first script its amazing so simple and very well explained.
  6. i get a message that says to toggle ESC key may that be the issue I'm having? any insight?
  7. thanks a ton for the trial, I'm just having a hard time getting it set up I'm not sure how to actually get the script to run i open in and start it in the client, but it does nothing, if i start it at the bank it closes the bank window but nothing more, if i start it at a fishing spot it doesn't start either, i really wanna support you but I'm so new i might be missing the most simple steps. any help?
  8. new to this, would love to work out the issues in the trial run, would appreciate it tons!
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