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Everything posted by SJ BOTTER

  1. Hi, I'm an avid Botter - i've achieved a magnitude of 99s and encountered the occasional quashed 2day ban. HOWEVER, Since this update - I turn on VPN / Proxifier and mirror my OSRS Client. I've received 4 bans on 4 seperate accounts. I Even connected to my next door neibhours WiFi to ensure the background IP Was completely different to my own, should the cloak fail at any point. 2x Permanent Bans (99 Range account running the Hunter AIO Bot + a Mixed med account running Hunter AIO). 2x 2Day Bans. (Includes a 96 slayer, Quest Cape Account - which yes, I shouldn't bot on anything I wish to lose but I was on it for 99 prayer and nothing else (FROM 92) ) Duration of running was 3hours with 4 hour break intervals for the Hunter AIO however I believe this is what got me caught? or is this now just compromised (the client) due to the recent update?
  2. Hey Khal, As you can see - i'm a big fan of your work, i've bought most of the scripts you have out. I'm concerned with delving into the RC Scripting on my maxmain - however I need those levels from 1. Can I get a trial and any suggestions? also, is this progressive like some of your other scripts where we can add tasks?
  3. Hey, Understandably, Hunter is one of the "Agility" skills of OSRS which has a higher ban rate than most. Although, everyone should be pairing either a VPN or Proxy with mirror mode when running ANY scripts to avoid bans. Apart from this, I'd love to give this a try before purchasing - I've never actually asked for a trial before so... here goes... trial pls?

    Stealth Quester

    Hey, I've been silently scripting now for some time - i've purchased many, many scripts. Stealth Builder got me 99 construction in 3 days and was phenomenal, and cost effective. Stealth Quester - what a tremendous concept, buys all your items in the GE for you and does the quest with great undetectability. My only issue with this bot seems to be the quest list. I understand some quests are a lot more complicated to script than others, however I do believe a couple more quests could be added to this to make it a lot more appealing. I haven't got a specific list of quests that i'm thinking of - I just completed everything on the bot and my list is still more red than green lol :D:D
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