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of Guthix

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Everything posted by of Guthix

  1. Yes, I believe you're right. HP was a bit under 50% of a lower level player with no food (oops!). Definitely something you'd want to happen if you had a bunch of marks. I'll wait it out for a few days and if no ban I'm thinking that I'll purchase.
  2. Sure. I'd say I got about 6hrs of use out of it yesterday, with 10+ levels in both Agility and Magic. I did notice that at the Canifis rooftop course it will break after falling of the roof and taking damage. This is likely intentional for death prevention and caused by user error. I'll report back in a few days as to whether my account survived. Might be a good idea for me to do a few quests in the mean time.
  3. I'm pretty confident it was my fault. Fell asleep and a free script had crashed - this was before using your Agility script. Hopefully I'll be able to get some use out of your RC script soon (finally!)
  4. Thanks, Khal. I was able to get a few levels before being banned. The ban was likely to do with another that I used afterwards to mix up account activity, though.
  5. Thanks! I'll run it for about 8hrs today with long breaks and then give it a few days off to see if I catch a ban.
  6. Hi, could I please have a trial?
  7. Could I please have a trial of this?
  8. So that account was perm banned after about 5hrs but it was already flagged. Going pause for a couple of weeks and then I'll try again with mirror instead.
  9. Great! One other thing I've noticed is that when it enters to alter it manually clicks to run near to it. Given that the alter is in clear view already it could just use the water runes on it. I feel that's what a real person would do :). Also - banned a couple of days ago but I also used a free Agility script. Going to try my luck again for a few hours today.
  10. Aww, guess I should have confirmed before purchasing... Any plans to add Digsite/Duelling teleports for Mud runes?
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