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Scripter I
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About Broman

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  1. Broman


    Sorry to hear you are facing issues + sorry for late reply. Are you able to replicate this bug? The Script should be able to handle doors. I will have to test this out, when I am able to + provide the fixes required.
  2. In my opinion - not even the worst president that the US has had. Just finished reading an article about artists and actors who did not like Trump. Honestly, nobody cares.
  3. Broman


    Indeed, the nicest Dyes bro.
  4. So did you buy a SOCKS5 Proxy or a VPN?
  5. There is no definitive answer. Use what ever suits you. For PHP I commonly use the following: /www/include /www/class /www/public index.php
  6. Honestly, it depends on the use. No point having multiple folders and files if your script only does a simple task. You will learn what folders you need, when you need them.
  7. Broman


    broDyes v1.0 - Making Dyes bro How-to use this Script? Have 100,000+ Coins in inventory Required ingredients in bank (Woad leaf, Onion or Redberries - preferably a lot) Start the script in Draynor Bank Bug report template
  8. I would sell to highly trusted, registered business that does RSGP trading. In small chunks.
  9. Such a savage you are. Much appreciated are you Anyways, thank you for pointing me towards the right direction. I am a complete noob with Bot scripting and new to Java in general. Luckily I use curly brackets the non retarded way.
  10. Oh yeah, but this does not answer the question about using item ID as filter
  11. Okay. So I changed it. Is using item id's from Widget considered OK? I cant seem to find any unique sprites / text for this one. private RS2Widget getFletchingMenu() { List<RS2Widget> allWidgets = getWidgets().getAll(); RS2Widget storedWidget = allWidgets.stream().filter(w -> w.getWidth() == 62 && w.getHeight() == 62 && w.getItemId() == 62).findFirst().orElse(null); return storedWidget; } private boolean isVisible() { return getFletchingMenu() != null && getFletchingMenu().isVisible(); } Any feedback is welcome
  12. Okay, I will fix that. Would you suggest identifying widgets by sprites or text?
  13. In the future yes. Currently I only support bows (u). Planning to release this as my first script, and I think that AIO Fletcher with support for bolts, darts etc should be a premium script. Also now that you are here, is the following a good way to interact with Widgets? if(getWidgets().interact(270, 16, 38, "Make")) { //conditionalSleeeep }
  14. For more simple GUI. eg. User selects Willow logs as material, and wishes to make longbow (u) out of it. (Yew, WIllow or Maple as material, make longbows) If I wanted to, I could just let user select material and then select the respective item eg (Yew Logs, Yew longbow (u))
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