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Everything posted by jesenican

  1. its safe just dont transfer gold via that account..
  2. as tittle say, my customer wants midleman i want to sell maxed account, i wrote to Gearing i always did with him, be he is inactive currently..
  3. i got one if you are intrested, we can use any mm you want here
  4. čaoo naravno, jesenican69, ako ne primi posalji mi svoj
  5. i got one total 2k,solid quests, we can use any midleman you want here
  6. use it while its not patched, just spam click off the map, and character will go up and down at this obstacle forever...
  7. mouse record all the way..24/7....and if you got sombody that can do all mouse record +screen repair with bot you win...i never got ban with mouse record and i made atleast 15-20 maxed accounts that way..
  8. https://prnt.sc/C1bMM7oiR7aS i use this one, its free on piratebay
  9. any offer from my account that i sell accounts, please dont add that discord my account got leaked i dont know how, i chagned password now, but i see my private messages that he msged alot of people
  10. mouse record...doing 24/7 non stop for years now..never got caught...
  11. so if we pay after service because you got no trust here, i am intrested
  12. jesenican

    Bot farm

    you must test alone, nobody will share theyre money methods,,same as in real life
  13. If you used proxy and got ban and tried to apeal from your normal IP you normaly played your account , do you always get it unbaned?
  14. if you need testers im here! i got my pc 24/7 runing whole year
  15. share us the discord
  16. aaa okey now i undrstand ,thanks for info
  17. im not expert in that sort of stuff but option always open for cancel shouldnt be good right?
  18. https://prnt.sc/M3m6G6T8D-v7 runs perfectly as all your scripts, only red flag is in corner there is always opened menu for cancel that is huge triger i think its not possible by human hand to have it open non stop with moving mouse, and when run out of energy he walks doesnt click on run when its 100%
  19. he wont refund it, he know he is guilty,il acept it
  20. the acount was locked i contacted original owner, got it back, but said it got perma instantly he loged in, so yea doesnt matter anymor im mad he can keep all the good just dont do same sht anymor to other people..
  21. https://prnt.sc/1mzXMCYSS6vY went from 45 to 80 with no problems, doing around 2-3h a day, script is flawles im very happy, only problem is exp per hour is little low, but other than that im happy! 10/10
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