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  1. No plugin. Either way Idk what I did, its working perfectly now. Im not touching the task level setup, at least not for now.
  2. Farmville

    Stealth Quester

    Hey, Idk if my setup may be missing something, but is it possible if the script used jewelry that have charges left. Like, it purchases glory (6) from ge, uses 2 charges during quest, and for the next quest instead of using the glory (4) in bank, he purchases another glory (6) from ge.
  3. Hi I just purchased the script. Im trying to do some edgeville dungeon combat and when I click start, it starts flicking my attack styles between attack and str. Even with "level task" turned off, just training the attack style I leave it at, it will still keep swithcing attack styles. And that is all the script does, its not killling the mobs if its not cuz of auto-retaliate, its not moving, not eating, not attacking, nothing, just switching attack styles rapidly. It also get really laggy when running. Please anything I may be doing wrong?
  4. Farmville

    Stealth Quester

    Died while doing Waterfall Quest. Upon death, the character was in Death's office (1st death in game) and it kept trying to tele out with games necklace but game would not allow tele out until completed dialogue/tutorial with Death. Script got stuck there, had to stop and finish quest by myself. I dont know if I did something wrong, or if I should die by myself and go thru this Death's tutorial without the script so it does not get stuck.
  5. Farmville

    Stealth Quester

    Thanks for the help. I purchased your script, so far it is working great. I heard that Mirror mode is safer but that for proxies to work in Mirror, I should be using Proxifier. Do you recommend running Mirror mode always or is stealth injection okay? Also, should I run with new mouse as well? Im kinda lost in between these 3 modes. And I dont mind getting Proxifier at all if it will help me, I already bought couple proxies.
  6. Farmville

    Stealth Quester

    Hi, I dont bot since pre rs3, just acquired osbot and Im interested in this script. How many accounts can I run simultaneously with this script?
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