Disputed Member:[member=username]http://osbot.org/forum/user/24648-h0urofdeath/?tab=feedback Why it should be removed: Didnt scam him but if he wants to put a neutral im all for it Details: he posted on my thread and i didnt notice he was a 1 pray acc, we started talking and ended up trading but i noticed he was a 1 pray acc and told him i wouldnt do it for said price but i did give him the gp back Link to topic: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/55289-%E2%98%85200fb%E3%80%8C-pink-clays-07-firecaping-shop%E3%80%8Dpureszerkersmainsnoobs-sponsor-%E2%98%85/
Gave him back the gp ( skype confirmation) ***DONT SHOW THE PIC IT SHOWS HIS RSN***
Picture visible to staff
It seemed like he wasnt even mad about it at the time and was fine with it