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Shan qxd

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  1. its a great script, just one question. Is it possible to have it let you chose starting tile each game? (Like in "Perfect Thiever") it keeps map-clicking me to an off tile after each game. sometimes it runs back and forth around the corner and spamclicks. Also when prepping 50fm it tends to do the log light animation for every log rather than chain lighting them. (i play mirror mode btw) Thanks
  2. Shan qxd

    Czar Guardians

    im at max zoom, if you can make it not use minimap clicks when inside altars and just click make runes and then click portal to exit, that would solve the problem im having (again, if possible).
  3. Shan qxd

    Czar Guardians

    I have the "Fewer Minimap Clicks" checked but still does that, at the chaos alter he just goes off somewhere and then clicks altar almost all the time. Is there a way to make it only click the rune-altar and portal once inside the altar? (just asking, i don't know code )
  4. Shan qxd

    Czar Guardians

    Good script, been using it for a day but its mini-map clicking inside the altars which is 1 click away and back. Looks hella sus when you run out of line and make runes from the opposite side of 100 ppl. could that be changed? (i have the less minimap option on)
  5. purchased it, works great, just hit 63 and started chins. how do i make it tick manipulate? i have the box checked but it does nothing.
  6. oh ok, do i have to do anything or just wait it out?
  7. cant mirror to my client [INFO][07/19 01:02:56 PM]: Welcome to OSBot 2.6.73! [INFO][07/19 01:02:56 PM]: Loaded 0 RS accounts! [INFO][07/19 01:03:05 PM]: Script list refreshed and loaded 6 scripts. [INFO][07/19 01:03:42 PM]: Updated injection hooks for client revision : 214! [DEBUG][Bot #1][07/19 01:03:42 PM]: Initializing mirror client bot... [INFO][07/19 01:03:42 PM]: Started bot #1 [ERROR][Bot #1][07/19 01:04:02 PM]: hmrapi java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not find field in the class at client.nat.stream.Stream.m11(Native Method) at client.wA.yu(Unknown Source) at client.emu.QEFj.run(Unknown Source)
  8. can i try this one sir?
  9. can i try your agility script?
  10. hello sir, can i have a trial?
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