[INFO][Bot #1][07/18 05:49:07 PM]: [Complete Orber] Withdrawing Stamina potion(4): 1
[INFO][Bot #1][07/18 05:49:08 PM]: [Complete Orber] Withdrawing Amulet of glory(6): 1
[INFO][Bot #1][07/18 05:49:08 PM]: [Complete Orber] Interacting with Stamina potion(4): Drink
[INFO][Bot #1][07/18 05:49:10 PM]: [Complete Orber] Interacting with Amulet of glory(6): Wear
[INFO][Bot #1][07/18 05:49:13 PM]: [Complete Orber] Withdrawing Cosmic rune: 81
[INFO][Bot #1][07/18 05:49:14 PM]: [Complete Orber] Withdrawing Unpowered orb: 27
[INFO][Bot #1][07/18 05:49:16 PM]: [Complete Orber] Traversing to Trapdoor Object
[INFO][Bot #1][07/18 05:49:24 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination!
[INFO][Bot #1][07/18 05:49:25 PM]: [Complete Orber] Interacted with Trapdoor action: Climb-down
[INFO][Bot #1][07/18 05:49:30 PM]: [Complete Orber] Traversing to the Wilderness
[INFO][Bot #1][07/18 05:49:52 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; Terminated because of high priority break condition!
[INFO][Bot #1][07/18 05:49:52 PM]: [Complete Orber] Traversing to the Wilderness
[INFO][Bot #1][07/18 05:49:59 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; Terminated because of high priority break condition!
[INFO][Bot #1][07/18 05:50:01 PM]: [Complete Orber] Opening gate
[INFO][Bot #1][07/18 05:50:21 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; Terminated because of break condition!
[INFO][Bot #1][07/18 05:50:31 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; Terminated because of high priority break condition!
[INFO][Bot #1][07/18 05:50:34 PM]: [Complete Orber] Climbing up ladder to obelisk
[INFO][Bot #1][07/18 05:50:38 PM]: Casting CHARGE_AIR_ORB onto Obelisk of Air
[INFO][Bot #1][07/18 05:52:17 PM]: [Complete Orber] Finished charging orbs - Teleporting
[INFO][Bot #1][07/18 05:52:18 PM]: [Complete Orber] No glory equipped.
[INFO][Bot #1][07/18 05:52:34 PM]: Terminating script Complete Orber...
[INFO][Bot #1][07/18 05:52:34 PM]: Script Complete Orber has exited!
I have glory equipped and wheres the clan wars restoration option.
This does one set then telys to edge via glory and exits.