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  1. pretty new to botting, bought a teletab maker and was almost insta banned. But i've been running this one for 1 dream and then break for 45 mins-2 hours and Im 90/96/90/90 range right now, have ran it way longer than I probably should have (9-10 hours including breaks) logging out after work/night and it's going strong! Highly recommend for anyone who hates melee training!
  2. Should I be using mirror mode or injection for this? Not sure what happened but last night I set up to do one dream with log out at 3 hours. Checked this morning and it was still logged in. Praying for no perm ban, going to let it “sleep” for a chunk of today.
  3. Perm banned after a massive 3 hours total on bot. Going to try again but not going to waste the money/time for 67 construction again. Any ideas on bot time/breaks? I’d run mine for an hour and break for 15 mins. Still got banned extremely fast
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