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  1. Judging by what people sell/pay for similar accounts, I would say it's worth anywhere from like 20-40m, maybe. But without a rank, You're more than likely going to need to use a middle-man or something, so take that into consideration. Good Luck on selling it once you get your Post Count.
  2. Yes, I do know about this. ^_^ Thank you, though. Most people don't know about that. But yeah, I'm looking for something even further than that. I'm able to do about 10-12 clients before it maxes out the CPU and starts some serious lag. Lol. Running multiple accounts in one client doesn't really seem to help either.
  3. If you find any useful tips on lowering the CPU usage that each client uses, let me know. Lol. Good Luck to you though, williamg0d. Maybe we can swap ideas and help each other. I also have somewhat of a farm right now. Lol.
  4. Works very well, but there's a bug that randomly happens. It will be dusting the chocolate and then just logs out. And it doesn't show anything in the logger other than that the script is terminating. It lasted about 13 minutes before doing it here. [iNFO][bot #1][05/07 10:29:53 AM]: Loaded 5 built-in random solvers! [iNFO][bot #1][05/07 10:30:07 AM]: Let's get started! [iNFO][bot #1][05/07 10:30:07 AM]: Started script : GE Chocolate Crusher [iNFO][bot #1][05/07 10:43:09 AM]: Terminating script GE Chocolate Crusher... [iNFO][bot #1][05/07 10:43:09 AM]: Script GE Chocolate Crusher has exited! It would work perfectly for endless amounts of time if it weren't for this one small thing.
  5. This ^ is honestly hilarious. lol. Why stop? You already have a black mark, and they're obviously going to be watching your account now, so if you want to keep the account, you better play legit. lol. Other than that.. there's basically no safe way to bot anymore. Proxies, mirror mode, breaks, talking, questing. None of it will help your case. They WILL find you and ban you. lol. From what I can tell, they're able to tell that you're using the bot client to play. So if you're going to bot and you don't want to get banned, i suggest that every time you play legit, you switch clients until you wanna set up your bot again. lol.
  6. I've been through enough of them to know that this is very much the truth. ^ lol. But my main reason for coming to the thread was to report a bug/missclick. issue. When in edgeville chopping yew logs, if the script cant find a tree to click on and is waiting for it to spawn, it will click outside of the building and then click on the inside of the building again. It seems to only happen when using the minimap to walk to the south yew tree, but this makes it run back and forth a lot when it doesnt need to be. Also, there's nothing coming up in the logger related to it.
  7. TheDMan22

    Explv's Walker

    This is awesome. I haven't used it yet but hope it works as well as it looks.
  8. I've been running the script a fair amount and can get some good long runs, but the only thing that I've found to be going wrong is that it spam clicks the ladder when using the second floor of the mine which makes you go up and down the ladder numerous times. It's not lag or anything, it just needs to wait and not spam click it. Also, in the GUI, the "avoid players" is checked automatically but doesn't seem to work anymore. The settings I've been using are Antiban, Avoid Players, Second Floor.
  9. It got stuck opening the bank after coming up from the combat instructer. the bot status was "opening bank". this is the log: [ERROR][bot #2][10/30 02:00:24 AM]: Error in script executor! java.lang.NullPointerException at org.khal.khaltutorialisland.khalTutorialisland.h(d:184) at org.khal.khaltutorialisland.khalTutorialisland.onLoop(d:314) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(em:109) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) Edit: it also got stuck hovering over the Mage instructor because it had the wind strike spell attack in use. Which might have been lag related. Idk. After that it finished fine though.
  10. Sold 9m, no problem, very fast, and covered payment fees. Will sell/buy again. Would recommend!
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