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Everything posted by annihilati0n

  1. Hey guys, Im thinking about buying some kind of alt account. Does anyone have any experience with this? You can buy accounts with no email set, which wouldnt be able to recover, so they say. But is this true? you can recover account without knowing the set email but giving Jagex info about IP, previous passwords, and other kinds of info about the account. I saw a nice account on Chicksgold, anyone got experience with this site? p.s. if this is in the wrong section, sorry for that. didnt know if i could ask questions in the account buying section. Kinds regards.
  2. great script, the only thing i would like to see different is the following: When i enter the dream it takes forever to start lowering my hp. At the time i finish getting 1 hp i've lost around 400-500 absorption points. So using this for my pure is no good because i wont make as many points as i use. I think it would be better to hp down to 51hp (using overloads) or 1hp if you dont use overloads and then enter the dream. Thats also how i do it when i plan manually. Also using spec weapon (mirror mode) it fails to change back to primary weapon. now i dont use special attack anymore which is also fine for me, just wanted to mention it. Other than that great script!
  3. i dont know what is going on.. i've been running this script for over 100h straight now, no breaks. still not banned rofl. Well, 1 minor break because i ran out of tabs/rings. but that was like a 10min break. cant wait for the update that the script will buy the tabs for me. This is some interesting stuff for the botdetection discussion.. looks like they cant see online time or something. or they just dont care.
  4. Just a quick update: I've been suiciding this script for about 50h straight now. So no breaks. everything works fine and still not banned. But i would like to make another suggestion. I've been running this script in the weekend, when i have time to mule it every few hours and restock on rings of duel / salve tele tabs. I could buy low ammounts of tabs + rings so the bot could run for another 2-3 hours. Today im back to work, so i cant see my computer for the next 9-10 hours. (Probably getting banned today / banned by now) This morning i had to buy for 1m on supplies to make it through the day, hoping it wont be banned. If its banned, i wasted 1m. So my suggestion would be to make an option to make the bot sell the fungus every once in a while (like every 2-3h maybe?) and make it restock so it can last another 2-3h. This would make my profit (for the people who have to leave it for like 10h without muling) bigger, since i spend like 200k instead of 1m for the whole day. Safes me 800k when it gets banned. I hope this makes sense if not, then forget what i just wrote haha
  5. This is an awesome script. i'm running this for 10h straight already. Only thing that could be better is that it sometimes teleports back without full inventory. it cast the bloom spell and doesnt pick up the fungus when prayer = 0. many times it just teleports back when my inventory is not full and there are still fungus around to pick. im running in mirror mode.
  6. hi, can i get a trial pls? thanks in advance
  7. Its not really working for me.. but maybe thats because im new. I just bought this bot/script. I cant start it with already pots in my inventory? Because it just trew away all my absorptions and started nmz without any pots. Also i dont use food but i have to choose what food i use and when to eat? After dieing, becaus i had no pots, it just paid another 22k and started again without any pots. Edit: It keeps walking to the bank, opens the bank and then just stands there until it logs out. any advice?
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