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  1. oh it wont note them with piles?
  2. does this do dark crabs and notes at piles?
  3. Bought the script trying to use it to Blackjack I get it into the requisite building and it just sends me up the ladder in that building what am I doing wrong!? lol
  4. is this script still under maintenance?
  5. is it still in maintenance?
  6. can I get a trial KHal love ur wintertodt script just got me 99 fm
  7. Yeah died for me on withdrawing food too
  8. Would like to grab a trial of this script please
  9. - Script name Khal Warriors guild - trial length As long as allowed - Reason for trial Have seen lots of good feedback about ur scripts wanna try one out for my self, plan on getting a lot of ur scripts - Are you going to give feedback on the script? of course
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