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  1. Hey guys, Wasn't botting for like 2 months. What happened? In the two months sell price fell from approx 55$ to almost $35. Is there any update, or something?
  2. I don't want to be rude, but did I ask for a direct solution? I just asked, if someone managed to break it. Your response is pretty redundant. However ... sorry if I created a topic in the wrong category. Selenium gets detected pretty fast (mostly 1.st request through googledriver), they are tracking javascript variables a lot and can detect if you are using it, however i searched a bit and found out some "solutions". Will try them out. Google chrome standalone through some kind of automation could be fine tho, will try that out, thank you Not sure how Farmaton works, but i guess it is not the solution for me, but still ... will definitely check it out. #EDIT: Google works Actually, now it is even better, because Jagex saved me money, they don't send me recaptcha challenges anymore!
  3. As you probably already know, Jagex changed Google ReCaptcha for inCapsula on account register page. Have anyone found out, how to break it? It is pretty hard to automate bot creations for now. I tried to use headless browsers (PhantomJS), Selenium, etc. I tried to modify requests in multiple ways, bot nothing works. Have anyone managed to break it?
  4. Is OSBot under attack, or something? I am getting 502 on version check, unable to connect to OSBot
  5. Regarding the efficiency, from what i know - for and while are equal. It really matters only by preference during the task. The only problem with while is, that you will have to really make sure, that you will match your break conditions perfectly, otherwise you are risking endless loop. In this case .. what if Jagex add some object in the center of area? What if the area, you are trying to walkTo is not reachable? Then you will get stuck in the endless loop. For example if you will try to use dialogue api to conversate with NPCs in tutorial island, you will end-up with endless loop, etc.
  6. Hello, guys. Recently I have encountered strange behaviour. I have a script, where I iterate through items in bank (i need to withdraw only some, based on my data). As soon as i iterate through withdrawAll(item), the bank gets closed. Do you have any idea, what am i doing wrong? Or is it just some bug? Script is not getting me any message/any error/exception, it just closes the bank. PS: This happens only if bank is opened for the first time during the script run. for (Item item : items) { int sellPrice = getItemSellPrice(item.getName()); if (script.inventory.isFull()) { script.log("INV IS FULL"); break; } if (helper.in_array(item.getName(), saveAll)) { script.log("Item to save"); continue; } if (helper.in_array(item.getName(), restrictedItems)) { script.log("Restricted item"); continue; } if (getItemSellPrice(item.getName()) * item.getAmount() < 3000) { script.log("Too cheap shit"); continue; } if (helper.in_array(item.getName(), saveOne) && item.getAmount() == 1) { script.log("Have only one, saving"); continue; } else if(helper.in_array(item.getName(), saveOne)) { if(noteWithdrawAllButOne(item.getName())) { continue; } script.log("Withdrawing all except one"); } else { script.log("Withdraw all"); if(noteWithdrawAll(item.getName())) { continue; } } Sleep.sleep((int) (math.gRandom(2500, bot.rVariation) * bot.rTime)); script.log("NEEEEXT"); } if (script.inventory.isEmpty()) { script.log("Inventory still empty after withdraw, ending this shit"); //endJobAndKill(); } //script.log("Close bank"); //script.bank.close(); action = "sale"; } (noteWithdrawAll is just help method, worked fine till now) public boolean noteWithdrawAll(String item) { if (!script.getBank().isBankModeEnabled(Bank.BankMode.WITHDRAW_NOTE)) { script.getBank().enableMode(Bank.BankMode.WITHDRAW_NOTE); Sleep.sleepUntil(() -> script.getBank().isBankModeEnabled(Bank.BankMode.WITHDRAW_NOTE), 3000, 600); } int itemCount = (int) itemCount(item); script.getBank().withdrawAll(item); Sleep.sleepUntil(() -> itemCount(item) > itemCount, 3000, 600); return true; }
  7. What is your problem? You are spaming the whole forum all the way. OSBot Developers are already working on fix for these failed hooks. They need to adapt their system to work with Runescape of which they have very limited sight. Just wait, it won't be longer, thank a few hours.
  8. 2.) Well, you have sites, like https://whatismyipaddress.com/proxy-check. If they will track, that you are using proxy, then it's almost certain, that you are not running Residental proxy. 3.) From my experience they locks account when you are running through flagged proxy provider's proxies. They cannot say, that you are botting just by using the proxy, but they can catch certain subnets, that are used by common flagged botting proxies => lock happens.
  9. 1. I really doubt verifying e-mails decreases the chance of lock/ban. Most (legit) players don't verify e-mails anyway. 2. More important question there is, if your proxy provider's proxies IPs are flagged. If they are, you will get ban anyway. Residental proxy just helps hiding, that you are actually using the proxy. There are some behaviours, that are much harder to detect, than on datacenter proxy. 3. It can mean (from my experience), that you either created account on different IP (different country), than the IP you logged in, or as you said - your proxy/proxy provider might be flagged (this happens a lot on Virmach eg.. You can however still unlock your account from account settings and it looks, like lock itself doesn't affect your "bot score". I runned a few "unlocked" bots for a long period of time alive.
  10. Thank you very much for this warm welcome
  11. Hello guys! My name is Michal and I'am really glad, that I can join this handsome community. During the last year I was trying to get better on Java (I work as PHP Backend Developer for last 4 years and there is really not that much difference - beside compiling, yet there are few things that I need to achieve differently in Java). Last few months I was developing bunch of my own scripts on OSBot. My approach is to try to make a (almost) fully automatic gold farm and take it to the level of perfection (from account creation to muling). I made myself a web API with admin interface, where I can control pretty much everything and where system itself handles things like bot "daily routines" to make it human like and also modular. So far so good, results are pretty fine. However there is still a lot of work to do and a LOT of thing to get better on. It is possible then, that I will be pretty active user here, trying to get a knowledge and if possible - to help others.
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