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Salty as fuck

Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Salty as fuck

  1. can confirm, i make sure to leaving phishing code in all of my scripts this site is too ez gg
  2. this isn't sketchy at all with those two posts edit: looked up the username, seems trusted on other sites
  3. I've been botting my main for months without mirror mode. No banhammer. Only new accounts keep getting banned.
  4. Haha, I completely agree. Definitely more of a preference thing! I suppose it also depends on how you organize it. I see how horizontal aligning would get confusing though and become inconvenient. But anyways, I also think we're turning this into more than it should be lol I personally stopped using ids half-way into my script and started using names instead. I suppose that's something OP should use as well. I read that sometimes Jagex likes to change ID's.
  5. It's definitely easier to read lol For me it just feels cluttered when there's a million different things to define and it's a bit quicker just writing a comma instead of starting a new line int 1; int 2; int 3; boolean dildos, notdildos, probablydildos; int 1, 2 ,3;
  6. Here's a quick tip: // NPCS int npcSwampToad = 1473; int npcChompyBirdAlive = 1475; int npcChompyBirdDead = 1476; // OBJECTS int objSwampBubbles = 684; int objBloatedToad = 1474; // ITEMS int itemOgreBellowsZero = 2871; int itemOgreBellowsThree = 2872; int itemOgreBellowsTwo = 2873; int itemOgreBellowsOne = 2874; int itemBloatedToad = 2875; int itemOgreArrow = 2866; int itemOgreBow = 2883; // AREA Area areaChompyArea = new Area(2392, 3048, 2402, 3039); // TIMER private long timeBegan; private long timeRan; Can be turned into // NPCS int npcSwampToad = 1473, npcChompyBirdAlive = 1475, npcChompyBirdDead = 1476; // OBJECTS int objSwampBubbles = 684, objBloatedToad = 1474; // ITEMS int itemOgreBellowsZero = 2871, itemOgreBellowsThree = 2872, itemOgreBellowsTwo = 2873, itemOgreBellowsOne = 2874, itemBloatedToad = 2875, itemOgreArrow = 2866, itemOgreBow = 2883; // AREA Area areaChompyArea = new Area(2392, 3048, 2402, 3039); // TIMER private long timeBegan, timeRan;
  7. botted 90 fletching in a few days, still no ban a week later play ~45 mins, break ~5 minutes botting tuna potatoes atm, ridiculous bank, probably stupidly low ban rate
  8. I couldn't quite understand why this was a VIP only script, so I made my own to release. >>DOWNLOAD<< Start with a chisel in your inventory. Make sure your uncuts are in a visible tab. Post if you run into any bugs. I can't exactly afford a long proggy, so whatever you may have will be perfect if you want to post it. 118k/hour with sapphires. 148k/hour with emeralds. 181k/hour with rubies. Since I fixed a certain bug, exp rates dropped.
  9. I had actually just commented out the widget and it started working, lol. Thanks for the help :3
  10. Nothing changes. Still doesn't start lol. No log message either.
  11. Shows up in list, doesn't start and there's nothing in the log. Any ideas? I've gone so far as to entirely remove the GUI and nothing changed. import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.RS2Widget; import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.Skill; import org.osbot.rs07.script.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; @ScriptManifest(author = "Reminiscence", name = "RGemCutter", info = "Cuts basic gems.", version = 1.0, logo = "") public class GemCutter extends Script { int lvlUp = 0; int chisel = 1755; int sapphire = 1623; int emerald = 1621; int ruby = 1619; int diamond = 1617; public boolean usingSapphire, usingEmerald, usingRuby, usingDiamond; public int startCRAFTEXP; public long startTime; long runTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; RS2Widget w = widgets.get(309,2); GUI g = new GUI(); private boolean guiWait = true; public void onStart() throws InterruptedException { startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); players.myPlayer(); startCRAFTEXP = getSkills().getExperience(Skill.CRAFTING); g.setVisible(true); while(guiWait) try { sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException { if (!inventory.contains(sapphire) || !inventory.contains(emerald) || !inventory.contains(ruby) || !inventory.contains(diamond)) { bank(); } if (usingSapphire == true && inventory.contains(sapphire)) { cutSapphire(); } if (usingEmerald == true && inventory.contains(emerald)) { cutEmerald(); } if (usingRuby == true && inventory.contains(ruby)) { cutRuby(); } if (usingDiamond == true && inventory.contains(diamond)) { cutDiamond(); } return 0; } public boolean interactItems(String item1, String item2) throws InterruptedException { if (inventory.getItem(item1).interact()) { sleep(700); return inventory.getItem(item2).interact(); // } return false; } void cutSapphire() throws InterruptedException { if (!players.myPlayer().isAnimating() && inventory.contains(sapphire) && inventory.contains(chisel)) { interactItems("Chisel", "Uncut sapphire"); w.interact("Make all"); sleep (800); } } void cutEmerald() throws InterruptedException { if (!players.myPlayer().isAnimating() && inventory.contains(emerald) && inventory.contains(chisel)) { interactItems("Chisel", "Uncut emerald"); w.interact("Make all"); sleep (800); } } void cutRuby() throws InterruptedException { if (!players.myPlayer().isAnimating() && inventory.contains(ruby) && inventory.contains(chisel)) { interactItems("Chisel", "Uncut ruby"); w.interact("Make all"); sleep (800); } } void cutDiamond() throws InterruptedException { if (!players.myPlayer().isAnimating() && inventory.contains(diamond) && inventory.contains(chisel)) { interactItems("Chisel", "Uncut diamond"); w.interact("Make all"); sleep (800); } } void bank() throws InterruptedException { bank.open(); sleep(1500); bank.depositAllExcept(chisel); sleep(1500); if (usingSapphire == true) { bank.withdraw(sapphire, 27); sleep(1500); bank.close(); sleep(1500); } if (usingEmerald == true) { bank.withdraw(emerald, 27); sleep(1500); bank.close(); sleep(1500); } if (usingRuby == true) { bank.withdraw(ruby, 27); sleep(1500); bank.close(); sleep(1500); } if (usingDiamond == true) { bank.withdraw(diamond, 27); sleep(1500); bank.close(); sleep(1500); } } @Override public void onPaint(Graphics2D g){ } @Override public void onExit() throws InterruptedException { stop(); } public class GUI extends JFrame { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private JPanel contentPane; @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) public GUI() { setType(Type.UTILITY); setResizable(false); setAlwaysOnTop(true); setTitle("RGemCutter GUI"); setBackground(Color.DARK_GRAY); setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); setBounds(100, 100, 217, 104); contentPane = new JPanel(); contentPane.setBackground(Color.DARK_GRAY); contentPane.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5)); setContentPane(contentPane); contentPane.setLayout(null); final JComboBox comboBox = new JComboBox(); comboBox.setForeground(Color.BLACK); comboBox.setBackground(Color.DARK_GRAY); comboBox.setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] {"Sapphire", "Emerald", "Ruby", "Diamond"})); comboBox.setBounds(10, 11, 187, 20); contentPane.add(comboBox); JButton btnStart = new JButton("Start"); btnStart.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) { if (comboBox.getSelectedItem().equals("Sapphire")) { usingSapphire = true; } if (comboBox.getSelectedItem().equals("Emerald")) { usingEmerald = true; } if (comboBox.getSelectedItem().equals("Ruby")) { usingRuby = true; } if (comboBox.getSelectedItem().equals("Diamond")) { usingDiamond = true; } guiWait = false; dispose(); } }); btnStart.setBackground(Color.DARK_GRAY); btnStart.setForeground(Color.BLACK); btnStart.setBounds(10, 42, 187, 23); contentPane.add(btnStart); } } }
  12. I would suggest looking into C4D and using these options a whole lot more.
  13. I don't mean to sound arrogant but I don't need to watch tutorials on lighting. My lighting is fine on most of my signatures, however this one I KNOW wasn't great and I admit that the lighting itself is bad. Don't mean to sound rude, but.. your lighting is beyond awful. In all of the pictures you've posted in here... You do infact need to look at some tutorials.
  14. Elaborate about the flow please. And no, it's far from it. For starters, I made the background on the first one and that took a LONG time. I do have lighting - it might not be obvious, though. Also, he wasn't referring to the second signature. He was talking about the first. The C4D signature is a style I like to use, and I took a little of the C4D idea from a tutorial on a GFX forum. My first C4D signature was this one: Thank you for your criticism as well. I don't know why, but everything I wrote down didn't get saved. Instead of wasting that much time again, I'll only suggest you try to blend the C4D with the characters instead of making it look as if there was a render with C4D pasted around it. Goodluck!
  15. I have no idea what this is about or what happened, but I'm going to click yes anyways.
  16. Dear god yes... This API has been hellish to work with! Congratulations to the development team. You've all certainly done a great job.
  17. Yes because then I can be a pedo. Everybody sucks mod's dicks. It'll be accepted!
  18. Yeah so that's not me, but it's still pretty sad that you would actually try to search someone up. I just don't feel comfortable posting an irl picture of me on these forums. Yes i am a girl but for your information that is not me in the profile picture. What's the point of making a thread about this except to attract attention to yourself? You're going to say it's sad that I spent 5 seconds compared to the hours it took you to find pictures of someone you wanted to pretend to be? You even photoshopped on some shit to the girls stomach and you have the audacity to insult the 5 seconds I spent? Get real. You're a guy. I made this thread so people wouldn't be lied to. You're pathetic, get over yourself. I'm just amazed that he didn't think someone would find out! I didnt believe that member was a girl anyway Staff generally RUN to female mems and it's just a whole ridiculous thing where having a vagina increases your chance of being staff. (IE: Saratastic from RSBot)
  19. I'm just amazed that he didn't think someone would find out!
  20. right click picture > search by image Done. It doesn't matter how long it takes, why make a thread about it? Why not?
  21. right click picture > search by image Done. Dude seriously, what does he think he's proving? Haha.
  22. It's a guy pretending to be a girl phahaha Cuz he has a girl as profile pic? Lul wut At least read his signature. He pretends to be the girl in the picture/his signature.
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