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Everything posted by KdotKing

  1. It is very rare for me to let my scripts run more than 2 hours so I figured id grab a proggy. - Mirror Mode -2 hours a day mixed with pvm and other things.
  2. Could i get a trial for rooftop agility please?
  3. Could i get a trial for rooftop agility please?
  4. Is thier anyone interested in remaking this script? Link is broken but the file is still available
  5. Would love to know when this releases, would definitely try it out again and consider purchasing!
  6. Course: Ardy Mirror Mode Time ran: 30 Minutes I like this script and i appreciate the trial, although their are some changes I think would make it better. -Camera movement - Ardy is minimal effort and can be done without turning the camera to click the next obstacle. This script has a tendency to place the camera in the exact same angle after starting the obstacle. It also rotates to click the next obstacle when it is already visible. - End of course - After completing a lap, the scirpt uses the minimap to walk 7 tiles isntead of just clicking the obstacle to start a new lap. Simple change. Thank you for the trial again.
  7. So i am using this script at barbarain fishing, mirror mode. The frequency it hovers over your level seems to be fairly high, it will check almost every 2-3 minutes, obviously a normal person knows that you dont gain too much xp in that amount of time and doesnt check that often. Also is their a way to turn down the activity of the mouse while its fishing? I understand it is supposed to be imitating a human, but checking my friends list every other inventory is more often than most I believe. Other than that, this script is great for what I am using it for, just minor changes might make it more humanlike. Could you also add using the special attack if wielding the drago harpoon for the lvl boost? Thank you
  8. So i have tried this script out at the Ardy course and its just so botlike Im not going to able to use it. The convenience of the Ardy course is not having to move your camera angle to click on any of the next obstacles, this script changes the camera and and makes it seem like youre doing more work than is necessary. Along with that issue it will click to begin an obstacle and while the character is starting it will click the box 2-3 more times to try to start. Its almost as if the script is impatient making, it look very bot-like. I have tried this on both mirror mode and injection with the same result. I trust in your other scripts but this just seems very very detectable. Thank you for the trial.
  9. So i did not run my trial for very long due to the fact i am running soul runes and the script did not use the shortcut to get back to the essence, obviously after running so many routes using it, it would look odd for it not to, thank you for the trial though!
  10. Could i access a trial before i purchase please?
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