I am new to this forum, I am currently making a few accounts and intend on making them Zulrah farmers.
I intend on getting some of the basics:
Full Void Range + Mage, Avas Accumulator, Regicide quest line of course (will likely quest to barrows gloves in the future if requested, PC this too please if possible)
75+ Range
75+ Mage
70 Defence
70+ HP
45 Pray
Accounts would come with origional e-mails and no security questions and will 100% be hand made with no quests or skills botted.
I am aware of the rating system used on this forum and will be working toward posts, and helping others throughout my journey here.
I am wondering if there is a market for these accounts, and if so how much they go for? Like I said I am brand new to selling accounts, any feedback and/or tips towards the accounts to increase value is appreciated! But as I said, these are meant to be basic, easy to create in under two weeks of casual play (couple hours a day).
Thanks in advance.