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  1. $5-10 proxies preform well enough in my experience, not so sure you'll get much business with these prices
  2. Feels like it, got hit on a handful of accounts in the past 24 hours
  3. I like the idea of the script suiciding faster however it kind of bugs out sometimes.. I noticed it try to attack an alkharid palace guard that was behind a door and at the draynor jail and I noticed my guy bounce between two jailers without getting hit. Also was being attacked by two guards in fally and it tried to attack a third which as far as I know is hard to have happen without luring the guards a certain way, they won't just stack up on top of each other unless one of those guards is ranging then you would have a much better chance at being hit by 3 guards.
  4. When suiciding seems the script doesnt detect being attacked super well.. keeps trying to run off to attack different guards / jailers regardless of if one is attacking you or not.
  5. I ended up pausing the script and manually looting the items so I could heal up before planking then it went on to finish 32 QPs. No recording this time.
  6. Second soldier got stuck in a death walking loop trying to loot grave + jugs of wine at this tree. The tree hits you + vines damage you so you end up dying fast with no time to loot your items. logs_08_10_2023-21_48_05.txt
  7. If you go to purchase a script it doesn't give you to option to use your remaining $7 balance?
  8. Delivery options: PvP trade, Drop trade, Tip jar & Face 2 Face Payment options: Crypto / Coinbase Rate~ $0.18/m Find a better rate? I'll match it(seller must be reputable)
  9. I would level it up a bit more and quest it so you can sell it as a song of the elves account for $80 - 100 but as is.. $30-50 max.
  10. News & Announcements, Releases then follow the forum.
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