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  1. my aiofarmer ran a few runs(only can tel by seeds used) then logged in and stood st bank, timer out numerous times and logged itself back in as soon as it logged for hours.... this is how you get banned. what are your auggestions…? and elaborating on the cactus spine post... it takes 10 cactus spine to pay for tree protection... the script is taking them out of the bank and not utilizing them for protection.
  2. can you fix the yew trees... its not utilizing cactus spine.. losing yews
  3. [INFO][Bot #1][12/09 03:07:09 PM]: building object: Mahogany table [INFO][Bot #1][12/09 03:07:09 PM]: failed to find build target [INFO][Bot #1][12/09 03:07:09 PM]: building mahogany tables with demon butler [INFO][Bot #1][12/09 03:07:09 PM]: building object: Mahogany table [INFO][Bot #1][12/09 03:07:09 PM]: failed to find build target [INFO][Bot #1][12/09 03:07:09 PM]: building mahogany tables with demon butler [INFO][Bot #1][12/09 03:07:09 PM]: building object: Mahogany table [INFO][Bot #1][12/09 03:07:09 PM]: failed to find build target [INFO][Bot #1][12/09 03:07:09 PM]: building mahogany tables with demon butler [INFO][Bot #1][12/09 03:07:09 PM]: building object: Mahogany table [INFO][Bot #1][12/09 03:07:09 PM]: failed to find build target [INFO][Bot #1][12/09 03:07:09 PM]: building mahogany tables with demon butler [INFO][Bot #1][12/09 03:07:09 PM]: building object: Mahogany table [INFO][Bot #1][12/09 03:07:09 PM]: Terminating script Stealth Builder... [INFO][Bot #1][12/09 03:07:09 PM]: failed to find build target [INFO][Bot #1][12/09 03:07:09 PM]: exiting script [INFO][Bot #1][12/09 03:07:09 PM]: exited script [INFO][Bot #1][12/09 03:07:09 PM]: Script Stealth Builder has exited! please fix so I can use mahogany tables lol
  4. it takes me to the ge, banks all, then takes out gp and logs. I'm not sure what I am missing, what is required inv set up ? your post says it buys required items.. it seems as if its trying buy the planks and logging out due to my limit for the day is reached. but I have 30k planks in bank
  5. also, can you add oak dungeon doors?
  6. mines not working at all... im not sure what its trying to do, but it leaves my house and runs to docks. is there specific house location I need? do I need servant bell ro will it build it ?
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