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Posts posted by Botre

  1. I think that you are born what you are, including being bisexual. It just takes time to figure it out. I guess that if you wanted you might be able to convince yourself to like someone of the sex that you don't normally like (if that makes sense), but it would never really be the same. Influences around them and bad experiences with guys can probably have an affect, but I don't think that it would completely change the way you were born.


    What's the bisexual gene called then? Can't seem to find it in the numerous books on the subject I own.

  2. Actually, yes... To be honest.

    I wouldn't say I get sad, but I can switch moods depending on the necessary circumstances. I don't think I get sad, though.,, maybe more of a disappointed feeling?

    True, some people don't know how to control their emotions and are ar their whim. It's more of a weak person, though.


    Would you just feel disappointed if your mother died in front of you?


     but I can switch moods depending on the necessary circumstances.


    The mood switch is a reaction to the circumstances, not a choice.


    I recommend you stop trying to repress your feelings, that's how people damage their selves mentally.

    I'm off to bed, peace

  3. You call me ignorant

    I feel hurt

    I feel hurt because you called me ignorant

    Not because I chose to feel hurt

    Why would I choose to feel hurt

    "Internet comments won't affect me"

    I made that choice, who wouldn't

    But I still feel hurt


    A poem by B. Arrogant


    • Like 2
  4. So since you guys are 100% in control of your emotions I guess you must never be sad since all you have to do is to press the "happy button"?

  5. It's almost... too basic? Maybe make it a little smoother, it looks like you took a picture of the woods, stuck an image and some text on there and called it a paint(which is what most paints turn out to be i guess...).


    First time though, so anything is good I guess lol.


    Exactly what I did haha! 

    I recon it's not nearly as smooth as I'd like it to be, especially the big "Shrooms" title, it just doesn't blend in, any tips for that? cheers, I appreciate the feedback;

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  6. You're in control of your emotions just like you're in control of your thoughts and actions.


    Do you consciously choose to fall in love?


    Do you consciously choose to be scared?


    Do you consciously choose to be jealous?

    • Like 2
  7. That comparison is way off.

    You can come to love someone after spending ikr with them and growing fond of them. Although it's not immediate, you tend to be with them more and more as time passes by. This is because you're getting used to the person and choose to be with them. If you can't control it then it would be set one way or another.


    My point was that the process of love turning into hate or vice versa isn't something you have control over. The same way your hair grows without you having to tell it to grow.


    You can control whether or not to spend time with someone, but you can't control the way you feel about that time you spent with that person (you can actually, it's called lying to yourself). To spend time with someone is a conscious choice, to enjoy (or not) the time you spent on the other hand isn't.


    Most things we like are acquired tastes, just because you don't like something the first time doesn't mean you never will. But in order to acquire a taste, just saying "I like this" isn't enough.

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