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  1. Here's a quick class that you can use to override the default interaction timers. import org.osbot.rs07.utility.*; import java.util.function.*; public final class Sleep extends ConditionalSleep { private final BooleanSupplier condition; public Sleep(final BooleanSupplier condition, final int timeout) { super(timeout); this.condition = condition; } public Sleep(final BooleanSupplier condition, final int timeout, final int interval) { super(timeout, interval); this.condition = condition; } public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException { return this.condition.getAsBoolean(); } public static boolean sleepUntil(final BooleanSupplier condition, final int timeout) { return new Sleep(condition, timeout).sleep(); } public static boolean sleepUntil(final BooleanSupplier condition, final int timeout, final int interval) { return new Sleep(condition, timeout, interval).sleep(); } } Now to override the interaction speed for something like pickpocketing all you have to do is. if(targetWithAHugeDong.interact("Pickpocket")){ Sleep.sleepUntil(() -> myPlayer().exists(), random(950, 1500)); break; }; You can now modify the speed at which you click/interact with the target. It no longer requires the animation to finish. I'll post all my 2-3 tick scripts publicly when I'm done skilling to 99. ?
  2. I'm currently working on some scripts that require faster reaction times from the bot. The animation timer for thieving is ~4 ticks per action. The method f.iteract("Pickpocket") will match the default animation timer. My goal is to get it somewhere around 2-2.5 tick reaction time rather than 4. Is there anyway to modify the speed of method or will I have to write my own work around?
  3. if you can edit your service thread please add global osbot tos, if not lmk.

    1. clanket


      I believe i added it, otherwise do what you need to do.

  4. Hey everybody, coming back to OSBot after taking a long brake. Looking to build some reputation. Each service will be done on a new IP, and hardware ID. I can do deposits up to 15m. Skype: ratchandclanketservices@outlook.com My serivces Quests: All quests including any pure builds (turn around and price will be higher). PM for pricing. Skilling: Smithing: 7 gp/xp Firemaking: 10 gp/xp Thieving: 14 gp/xp Construction: 12 gp/xp Slayer: 50-80 gp/xp depends on stats Minigames services: Pest control: 20m novice, 15m intermediate (1 helmet). Fire cape: 75+ range, 43 prayer. 6m base Diary services: Can complete all diaries as long as skill requirements are met. Prices vary depending on tasks required to complete.
  5. Will be available in 12 hours.
  6. Have 30 offsite feedback. Skype: Ratchandclanketservices@outlook.com My sevices I'm willing to complete. Questing: All quests, including 1def 1 pray accounts. Skilling: Crafting Smithing Thieving Construction Slayer Firemaking Minigames: Pest control Fire capes Diaries: All diary tasks as long as skill requirements are met. 1. You may not log into the account during a service unless you have permission from the owner of the service, doing so will result in the termination of the service with NO Refund.2. You MUST NOT change the details of the account until the service has been completed, doing so will result in a void service with NO Refund.3. If there are any items required for the service, it is between you and the service owner to come to an agreement on who covers them4. You MUST change your password after the service is completed5. If you have any substantial wealth on the account, it is your responsibility to protect it (Either Bank Pin/Transfer Trade)6. Once the service is complete you must leave Feedback for the relevant parties involved7. You MUST Post on the service thread to acknowledge their individual T.O.S and start the service
  7. 50+ feedback offsite. Trusted seller on playerauctions

  8. I'll do the service for 7m, with level 70 range. Money can be held by a middle man if you'd like. PM if you have any questions.
  9. I'm setting it up so it will powermine a 3 spawn of iron in one spot. I had a working version earlier but it would often click on ores that were gone. My goal with the nodes is that it will mine them in order and not mess up on inactive veins. I may later adapt to it do 2S2G 3 tick mining once this version is working.
  10. I'm a little lost and have been trying to figure this out for over an hours now. Is there any way to do it without lambda expressions. The code is probably all wrong, but any help would be appreciated. Still a novice here so you might have to be a little more specific. case MINE: RS2Object rocks = getObjects().closest("Rocks"); RS2Object rock = getObjects().closest(rock -> rock != null && rock.getName().equals("Rocks") && rock.getPosition().equals(rock1)); if(!MINING_AREA.contains(myPlayer()) && !inventory.isFull()) { getWalking().walk(mining_spot); } if(MINING_AREA.contains(myPlayer())) { if (rocks != null) { if (!myPlayer().isAnimating()) { rocks.interact("Mine"); } } }
  11. I'm trying to make a bot script for powermining. Is there any code that interacts with an entity at a specific location instead of proximity. EX: RS2Object rock1 = getObjects().position(1,2,3); if(MINING_AREA.contains(myPlayer())) { if (rocks != null) { if (!myPlayer().isAnimating()) { rock1.interact("Mine"); } } } instead of RS2Object rocks = getObjects().closest("Rocks"); if(MINING_AREA.contains(myPlayer())) { if (rocks != null) { if (!myPlayer().isAnimating()) { rocks.interact("Mine"); } } }
  12. Shortcut is only used after banking, script isn't supporting returning through the tunnel.
  13. Just a THOT, coal bag support for superheat?
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