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  1. Good

    Czar Guardians

    Could i get a trial please
  2. its 782 for anyone else wondering
  3. i might be dumb but i cant find the script number to launch through cli
  4. I figured out how to launch specific clients into sandboxes from command line, but I was wondering if anyone knows how to launch clients with a proxy from command line? Right now I’m just using proxifier and adding everything manually, but I would like to be able to automate all of that if possible, similar to how it’s down with non mirror clients couldn’t seem to find anything online
  5. Would using VMware be the best way to get multiple hardware mouse, mirror mode clients on one pc?
  6. Good

    Stealth Quester

    Seems to get stuck during regicide at the part where you need to click the fally tele. It just spams webwalking event failed. If i manually click the tab everything works great from there though
  7. Thanks also noticed that it would try to teleport with a noted skills necklace sometimes after restocking and if the account has not been to zeah yet it will repeatedly spam try to use the skills necklace teleport there (even though you need to have been to zeah at least once before you can tele there with skills necklace). Watson teleports will work regardless of whether or not you have been there yet though. Maybe you could make it walk to zeah/buy a watson teleport if the skills necklace teleport cant be used yet? It also likes to get stuck at the entrance to the catherby bank if hide roofs isn't on, idk if that's an osbot thing or your script. Love the script so far though, nice work.
  8. Didnt end up having time to test it out when you authed but i went ahead and bought it anyway. One thing I noticed is that when it buys a bond it doesn't check if the player is on a f2p or p2p world and it carries on trying to buy mems items in a f2p world. Maybe just add a check to see if the player is on a p2p world and if not then hop?
  9. Could I get a trial on this please
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