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Everything posted by Browse

  1. He has refunded the full amount
  2. https://i.imgur.com/uaAZUB4.png (Levels when bought) https://gyazo.com/a1b05cb4d451bd20b14efba39ace1c11 (current) Seller Agreeing to pay xp gained https://gyazo.com/0cde61033e40480d77e735708e7c0bd0 Needing a mod to calc the xp gained to add on to the refund.
  3. (hidden) https://gyazo.com/a1b05cb4d451bd20b14efba39ace1c11 These accounts match, he sold me the account recently and said it had only been played by a couple friends. I can verify everything he said regarding me above.
  4. paying around 5$ each Browse#6182
  5. Best costumer service I’ve ever experienced at the lowest cost. Will be using this gentlemen again. A+

  6. Going to need alot of quests and a few skills Browse#6182 if your interested
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