I recently decided to start writing some simple scripts and I had a few questions that I can't seem to find the answer for. Keep in mind that while I am relatively new with Java, I do have a bit of programming experience from college, mainly C++, C, C# and Python.
1. Why is sleelUntil not in the documentation? I can't seem to find anything about it (looks like it was removed )
2. Is there a list somewhere of all the methods that have sleep "built-in"?
3. Is there a way to save the save the log in a text file when a script is stopped?
4. Do you guys test your scripts on Jagex servers? I am trying to figure out how to test all functionalities considering I might not have all the proper stats/equipment/et
I like to believe I've done a bit of research before making this post, but it's possible I missed some stuff and I apologize
Thanks innasvanxe!and let me know if anything needs clarification. Sorrry for my bad English