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Chronic Taco

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Everything posted by Chronic Taco

  1. will it find the mole right away without the diary done? will it find the mole right away without the diary done?
  2. reply with your prices and discord name desert treasure lunar diplomacy the great brain robbery kings ransom troll romance
  3. thank you i was just makijng a zerker then i realized i have this account spent the day questing on the zerker account but probably gonna make it into a 1 def pure then keep this account for mid level pking
  4. please post prices monkey madness 1 death plateau fremmy trials underground pass heroes quests monkey madness hereos
  5. Chronic Taco


    need 70/70/70 trained on fresh accounts and 33 qp post prices please
  6. will this find the mole without the diary done?
  7. looking to buy low level accounts or fresh accounts with tutorial island done
  8. accounts will have stats around 70.70.70 need to get diary req and complete diary reply with prices thank you
  9. must have 70/70/70 plus dragon slayer started post prices
  10. do anyone know the gp rates for a 75/75/75 account with no diary?
  11. regicide undergroundpass bioharz plague city post offers
  12. 4m discord is kelton#8819
  13. 14m DISCORD KELTON#8819
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