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Michal Ziak

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Everything posted by Michal Ziak

  1. Actually issue was, that i needed to open inventory first This topic can be closed I guess. Thank you.
  2. Hi guys, I am doing some questing scripts and I am stuck on one thing. inventory.getAmount sometimes returns 0 and inventory.contains("Ïtem") sometimes returns false, even if have that item in inventory, which will end with infinite shearing of sheeps, picking up buckets, etc. What are the conditions to actually show the proper amount? Do I need to have my inventory opened while doing this checks? Thank you for answer
  3. Hi, i was using residental backconnect proxy rotating once per a day. Everything worked fine, but today I started to get this error: OsBot says SOCKS proxy configuration error. From the browser proxy appears to be fine. Does any1 other experienced this issue today? Is it OSBot bug/some OSRS update, or just my proxies failing or detected somehow? PS. issue only appears while using proxy, on my own IP it is working fine.
  4. Used OS also depends (at least in my test). Running on AMD Thread Ripper 2950 + 128GB. On Windows Server 2016 Cpu usage per bot was around 4-5%, on Suse linux barely 1-2% CPU usage. Both plain CLI. RAM usage looks the same (500 - 1000MB), rarely bigger, only on unhandled null exceptions etc.
  5. Okay, finally installed VNC and started webwalk ... however i came to next error, where I am kind of lost. Update: for those who will face similar issue, you need to set enviromental variable DISPLAY to some output which you send to null (for example export DISPLAY=:10).
  6. Hi guys, I finally pushed my bot on my debian VPS, however, there is one issue i cannot deal with, using this command: # java -jar "BOT.jar" -debug 5005 -login ######:###### -bot ######:######:0000 -script myfancyscript:true -allow norandoms,lowcpu,lowresource,nointerface,norender -world 474 -proxy xxxxxxxxxx:xxxx Output was: We were unable to login automatically! -You must update Web Walking through the Boot UI. Debug enabled on port 5005 Starting local script with name:myfancyscript Clearing all randoms from OSBot Starting OSBot in low cpu mode Starting OSBot with no interfaces, inherits lowresource Starting OSBot in no render mode But i have no possibilities to run bot through any gui. Is there any possibility to walk around this one?
  7. Guys, did you find out, how to get onResponseCode ?
  8. Looks promising With few changes it could work perfect for me. Will definitely try that out. Thank you!
  9. Hello guys, I am pretty new here and started to script my own stuff, however I got stuck on one point. I want to make custom login handler. For example, instead of loging in with username selected from osbot gui i just need script to start and do HTTP GET request on some URL, in which will return credentials in JSON and use them to login/whatever (i have list of accounts). Is there any possibility to do so? Thank you for any response
  10. Sad I was right about test my new script.
  11. Well, I am working as PHP Developer for few years for now. Your "journal" make me want to test java for 2 weeks
  12. Happened even on 1.11 Took a close look on this one. Issue looks to happen exclusively on Fire Giants. I have weak character to kill enough giants on one take to finish task, so character goes to get food. However bot instantly goes to buy food from GE instead of checking if there is any in bank (but maybe i just didn't have food available for full inv) and immediately after that teleports to Al Kharid -> Glide to Gnome -> Fire Giants) with noted food and all gold from bank. If character dies, it tries to go back to location, like nothing happened and starts to fight fire giants naked (first i though it is going to pickup dropped items :D). Everything beside this issue works great, but with this i cannot let bot run alone, because I already lost few mils this way, as i am getting fire giants task pretty frequently. Next time issue will happen I will paste log.
  13. Yep, running 1.10, appeared right now, upon restocking food (out of food during the task) bot buyed 100 potatoes with cheese (my case), varrock tp and instead banking just instantly ported to Al Kharid (got Fire Giant task), with all gold and noted food in inventory. Issue doesn't seem to appear with any other items (Ammy of glory, slayer items, etc.) It is possibly only issue i found lately, i let bot run for about 6 hours (during work) and it runned smoothly, till i ran my food out. Will wait for 1.11 then
  14. Hmm, have you fixed bug with bot going farming with noted food and all gold in inventory? Happened again on Fire Giants task
  15. Another small bug i found. Sometimes between tasks bot picks food from bank noted (or doesn't bank noted food bought in exchange) and leave notes with gold in inventory instead food. I died once on this issue (this happened to me while fire giants task)
  16. Great to know that You are doing great job.
  17. Nope, it is inline, without new line, spaced by ", ". Like in image bellow.
  18. I found one important thing that needs fix. If you already have equiped anti-dragon shield while doing dragon tasks (i did blue dragon), bot still buys new anti-dragon shield (even if doing 2 dragon tasks in row) and while fighting it constantly clicks on anti-dragon shield in inventory to equip it, which I supose can lead into very fast ban EDIT: Actually after further slayer exping -> issue appeared only on blue dragon, green dragon works fine) PS: I put this into loot list: Clue scroll (medium), Grimy ranarr weed, Mystic boots, Ranarr seed, Snapdragon seed, Torstol seed, Mystic hat, Mystic fire staff, Air battlestaff, Mole claw, Nature rune, Granite helm, Rune dagger, Lava battlestaff, Raw shark, Rune med helm, Rune full helm, Rune kiteshield, Death rune, Leaf-bladed sword, Mystic robe bottom, Law rune, Rune axe And bot still doesn't pick up loot (i even tried just nature rune, etc.)
  19. Okay, issue was, that i didn't have lvl for protect from missile, sorry about that bot didn't use prayer pots even if i had them in bank. Bot is great Just tell me please, in which format i should put item names for drops to pickup?
  20. - troll slayer assigment doesn't work for me (bots just picks games necklage and amy of glory, and turns off himself)
  21. Hi, tested your bot for about 6 hours, it works great buying it. Just one question, how should i type items to pickup in that textarea ? should i fill comma between them?
  22. Hello, Could I get trial before purchase ? Want to try for few hours and if i don't get banned, I will instantly buy it.
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