Hi guys,
I finally pushed my bot on my debian VPS, however, there is one issue i cannot deal with, using this command:
# java -jar "BOT.jar" -debug 5005 -login ######:###### -bot ######:######:0000 -script myfancyscript:true -allow norandoms,lowcpu,lowresource,nointerface,norender -world 474 -proxy xxxxxxxxxx:xxxx
Output was:
We were unable to login automatically! -You must update Web Walking through the Boot UI.
Debug enabled on port 5005
Starting local script with name:myfancyscript
Clearing all randoms from OSBot
Starting OSBot in low cpu mode
Starting OSBot with no interfaces, inherits lowresource
Starting OSBot in no render mode
But i have no possibilities to run bot through any gui. Is there any possibility to walk around this one?