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Everything posted by Hoots

  1. It might be an issue with the script you are using. Check if other people are having the same issue with that script.
  2. Is the normal Runescape client closing as well? Try reinstalling Java, make sure to install the latest version.
  3. http://johann.loefflmann.net/downloads/jarfix.exe You can find more info on the thread I linked earlier.
  4. Have you had a look at this thread? I had a similar problem and running the batch file in number 2 solved it.
  5. woof woof pupper here are some weird dogs I saw the other day
  6. Looks pretty nice, I might give it a shot.
  7. Amazing guide, thanks so much! Made my first few noob scripts following it.
  8. Coco Pops all the way. Cookie Crisp is pretty boss too.
  9. Hoots


    Cheers! Thank you! That's solid advice. Thankfully I haven't really played Oldschool so I don't have much to lose haha
  10. Hoots


    That's good to hear, I was a touch intimidated at first. Thanks! Wonderful, thanks!
  11. Hoots


    Thanks, newbies unite!
  12. Hoots


    That's very kind! Cheers! It's been a while so I may have a question or two at some point.
  13. Hoots


    Thank you kindwy uwu
  14. Hoots


    Hello! I'm a returning botter from the old days, back in 2008-ish (god I feel old). I got bored with the game after comping and thought I'd give scripting a shot. I'm a 2nd year Computer Science student with some Java experience which may or may not be useful in the botting world - this remains to be seen... I look forward to botting with you all! Cheers!
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