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  1. Want to bot my pure a bit, what are the banrates ?
  2. When's the Myth's guild getting fixed? 30 day timer is ticking.
  3. It's OK buddy, I got carried away too much too as I may be at times too hot headed. Happens to the best of us. Good luck in your exam!
  4. Status in the paint(Screenshot): https://i.imgur.com/iABs61v.png Client Version: "Osbot x.x.x" 2.5.45 Client Type(Mirror Mode OR Stealth Injection): Stealth Inventory layout: https://i.imgur.com/JNDfIlV.png (not relevant, doesn't change no matter the inventory/gear) Equipment layout: https://i.imgur.com/2Ya6dqw.png Up GUI settings (Screenshot(s)): https://i.imgur.com/PhNLovJ.png What is the error that is occurring? Nothing happens. Gear, inventory,potions - irrelevant. Even if it gets to the point where it has all potions and all - it does not work. Extended Super antifires are not considered as antifires either. How can I replicate this error? Dunno, mine just does nothing. Logger output (Screenshot): https://i.imgur.com/kpKTiXT.png
  5. Yes, I have tried it. For teletabs, house teletab would be nice, also Taverly teleport tab (one you make with a scroll of redirection) to name a few. Since I can't get Myth's guild to do absolutely anything (it stands idle) I can't tell if it has the cape teleport option but just in case - for faster banking AND going back to caves it'd be nice to have the bot use either cape in inventory to teleport or in gear menu. https://i.imgur.com/vWTT1rH.png
  6. Bought the bot in hopes of using it for myth's guild blue drags, sadly it;s just standing doing nothing. I keep on checking the log but it doesn't give any kind of error, but just stands idle no matter what. Doesn't work on green drags either in there. EDIT: it lacks some options, such as extended super anti-fires, super combat potions, teleport tabs from nmz and such. Things that would make it look more like a human playing and not a Venezuelan bot. I mean it costs 10$ a month, may as well add some nice functions to it to make other bots run for their money..
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