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Everything posted by iblack

  1. Thanks for keeping us in the loop zach.
  2. iblack

    BETA v1.4.1

    My god this is soooo much better thanks alot!
  3. Now we just need a bot to do it for us
  4. iblack

    Whats Your?

    Yeh i like tower defence
  5. You may end up seeing more of that when people start tryna get that torva post count rank loot.
  6. iblack

    My first paint

    Going offtopic here but how does one make theses 'paints' is it just a .png made in photoshop or is there something more to it?
  7. iblack

    My first paint

    It was nice but i would recommend better font, im not saying its not clear enough but clearer would just look nicer, avoding dark on dark colours is also recommended.
  8. That doesn't mean we need to encourage pointless spam/low quality 1 word posts like "lol", yes this is a forum and forums are for (HQ/helpfull/informative)discusion to combat LQ posting we could go ahead and put in a mininum charcter limit to post i.e 20 charcters just for example with mods who will police abusers. however by itself this post count rank system will just encourage people to spam LQ posts.
  9. Encouraging people to post activity is good but there is a fine line between good activity and people just straight up spamming i think this will encourge too much low quality posting just for PC.
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