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Trade With Caution
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About amDeep

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  • Gender
  • Location:
    G-Mas Basement
  • Interests
    Botting/Gold Farming.

    I really enjoy the idea of turning online products into real world wealth.

    Discord: Deep#8213

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  1. As title says. Paying with OSRS GP. Discord: Deep#8213
  2. amDeep


    Very insightful! Welcome!
  3. @Katinukas Explanation: Contacted him through a post he had selling a Zulrah ready account, told me it was already sold and said he was available to build accounts for me. I agreed to make a 50% deposit as he is more vouched than me (82.5m) he said he was busy with exams so I gave him A LOT of time to get the accounts done and was very lenient with ETA. I contacted him recently asking about the status of the accounts as they haven't been played in over a week and he blocked me instead. Obvious scam quit. Thanks!~ Evidence:
  4. Can make these. Add my Discord. Discord: Deep#8213
  5. Originally because I wanted free levels. Now I bot for monetary gain.
  6. Don't have any that are ready right now. I do have one that experienced a two day ban 1-2 months ago and has been sitting ever since. Has less than 50 kc. Would sell for 40m. If not can build you 85/85/70 accounts for 120m.
  7. Can build these for you if interested. Add me on Discord. Discord: Deep#8213
  8. I don't have much experience with VPS' but yes they are still widely used. I would recommend a dedicated server but a VPS is a great option if you don't have the funds to put down immediately. Hardest part is finding one that's actually worth the money. Add me on Discord if you have any question. Discord: Deep#8213
  9. Stats: Attack - 50 Strength - 50 Defence - 1 Magic - 93 Range - 84 Has Mith gloves. Price?
  10. I would personally recommend @Naked tutorial island accounts.
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