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Everything posted by josweden2332

  1. He is working on it. Look at all the pages before this one lol. And Czar great work on all your scripts! Will buy as soon as it comes out thx.
  2. I also plan to buy. Please release a version I can purchase or PM me my options to buy as private. I want to use your script.
  3. Hi what is the current status of this script? I would be using it on an account I somewhat don't want perma'd. I'm not asking banrates(unless you know a rough estimate), just wanna know if it is stable and usable before buying/using?
  4. Thank you for the quick fix. As for looting--- While being attacked it will not loot. Yes I have the box checked for loot after kill, but while monsters are aggressive, it will not pick up anything. After the initial 10 mins or so, it will start grabbing it again. (edit, I can't say this is an always thing, but it does happen) Also, the "loot above x" only works on some items. There is a huge list of items that it doesn't recognize. I am fine with manually entering them, but I'm assuming something is wrong with how it is checking the value of the items. And lastly can you add an option for camera to be straight up and all the way out? It goes to some very weird angles as of right now. Hope my feedback helps and I look forward to buying more of your scripts in the future. Thanks again.
  5. Script crashes and gets me killed when I have the box checked for "end after slayer assignment." It doesn't matter what task, it does it every time. It freezes and I have to force quit the client. Please fix.
  6. The settings for script get mangled when you have zoom set on windows settings. I assume there's a way to set the text size to not overfill the box? 4k monitor is impossible to play on just 100% zoom. So it's a chore to change settings every time. The bot crashes with "stop when slayer task is over" is checked. It works as intended, I guess? The script still does not drink antipoison. The camera should only be zoomed out to max and all the way up. The way it is now sucks. It looks so much like a bot if you were watching the account from Jagex pov. Being able to save a location with 1-2 clicks and just entering the monsters name would be nice. Using slayer items to finish kills would be nice. Overall the script is good but it needs some love and hope you will put the time in to make it great.
  7. Like it will drink your super potions before you get to the monster and waste it. Also really hoping you add antipoison support and every possible slayer task monster as a preset... I'd bet a lot of people would want to buy your script if you did.
  8. Can you add option to drink antipoison? Also I suggest adding argument for buff potions... "if monster is around, drink potion, otherwise don't"
  9. barbarian fishing is bugged out. Dropped all my bait and spazzed. Came back to the barbarian pole and nothing else. Overall it works. No bans after a mil xp in fishing.
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