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Multi Clanning

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Posts posted by Multi Clanning

  1. Hey @Fruity recently noticed that if you set the rock-caking threshold to 3 hp, it'll wait for your hp to hit 3 and then instantly cake down to 2.

    Is this the intended use of the feature or could it be changed to cake at a random time between 2 and 3 hp?

  2. On 22.6.2017 at 6:57 PM, massgainer said:

    the 22m admin expenses lmfao what are these nerds up to

    Probably a lot to do with servers and defending ddos attacks.

    Yes. That shit costs hella money.


    (ofc, they probs bought a lot of other shit as well, but that'd never add up to that much unless they bought a huge ass mansion lol)

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