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Everything posted by TR33

  1. VPS's are complicated buggers

  2. Buy one. A lvl 60 main would be pretty cheap.
  3. Lol, you tried to appeal them...
  4. It appears from a swift google (that i probably should of done before i posted this thread) that f2p accounts have a 25k trade limit for giving but can receive any amount. So, I can buy bonds with no problem
  5. Oh, I thought there was like a 25k trade limit and seeing how a bond is somewhere around 6mil you wouldn't be able to trade it. Glad I'm wrong
  6. Is there a way to transfer a bond to a f2p account? I could just buy the bond for $5 on the account, but I'd much prefer buying a bond for 900k-1m and then giving it to the account to save money. I am not familiar with trade limits or how to get around them on RS3 anymore so I'm looking for ideas so I can still buy bonds for essentially $2 cheaper.
  7. TR33

    Name crisis

    @The Hero of Time does this satisfy you? We both get our wish now.
  8. Hehe, thanks Have at it! Just make sure to run whatever you plan to run on a smaller scale first to make sure it's all working.
  9. I would like to modify my current avatar a bit. I want to make it look like I am dreaming about a Runescape tree. An idea I had was to make a thought bubble slowly appear and have it expand out to fill up the majority of the screen and show a regular tree. Then either pop the thought bubble or have it slowly disappear. Like this :http://gyazo.com/fe4aea6fa13bc1e18aef0ff66aa72820 Seeing how I have a long avatar horizontally it might be better to add multiple tree's as opposed to just one. Maybe even a regular, then willow, then magic. Better yet, fade each tree in one by one starting from the left regular tree. I'm going to sleep now, but will be up ready to work with someone in around 10 hours hopefully. I want this to look really nice so I'm looking to spend between $5-10. Please don't bother if you don't think you can make it look smooth and professional. Thanks
  10. Be prepared for the bans my friend. My method of avoiding the hurt of bans is to just not let it hurt me. You will get banned. I got 5/9 of my accounts banned this morning. With what I do, that doesn't affect me one bit. Sure, buy a membership and even take some time to set-up the accounts and buy supplies. But make sure you will gain money in the long run, even if you get banned in x amount of time. Learn the patterns of Jagex, and develop a method to capitalize on it. Trying to say as much as possible without giving it away and thus giving Jagex the opportunity to stop me slow me down. And thanks for the support
  11. Thanks guys! Give it a try. Although, I'd recommend starting on something like SuperScript Factory like I am Lolz, who knows if I'll ever get to that point How's that?
  12. How do you add that spoiler box in posts? i need to do it for my thread: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/57408-road-to-making-1000/
  13. My eyes hurt

  14. May the luck be with you.
  15. I have a rare condition called "swag overload" where I can't actually accumulate more of it That's why I keep my pc so low, doc said if i get any more swag panties will vaporize instantly if I come within 100 feet of the females. And vaporizing panties sounds painful...
  16. I've been here for a while, but was never active. Well, now that's changing. I'll probably be hanging around the irl and Runescape section most often seeing as that's where I have the most to contribute. Hello Everyone
  17. Yeah, I heard twitter works. Just make sure you have a semi-decent story.
  18. Nope, my agility levels have always been sub 30's. Reward of high agility wasn't worth the time it took to play legit or bot when I could be botting better things.
  19. TR33

    99% botted account

    How long you botting a day? best of luck!
  20. TR33

    Name crisis

    I would but I just went through the trouble of scanning my cool baby picture so that pic needs to run its course now until I get tired of it.
  21. TR33

    Name crisis

    Good job. Me gusta mucho
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