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  1. Had an issue where the bot would open the bank then close it, open it again then close it in a loop. Fixed it by pausing the bot and drinking an Antidote++ then starting the bot again. I'm running on mirror mode with the pre-antipoison option enabled. Edit: It seems like it only looks for one dose potions. Edit 2: The bot also doesn't stop or log out if there's a lack of supplies such as ring of duelling. It just opens and closes the bank, which is a sure fire way to get banned.
  2. Is that something you added yourself, or is it part of the script? Or is that just how the GE works? Actually, I just tested it, nvm. It already does, just me being stupid
  3. Would it be possible to add a "do all" kind of selection? Say, you want your bot to mine iron ore for one and a half hours, and then sell all the available iron ore. Or is this already possible by telling the bot to just sell, say 20k iron ore? This could really open up a lot of possibilities for automation. < Stupid question, just ignore it How about a way to "group" certain tasks and randomize what order the bot goes through said groups of tasks?
  4. I've noticed that the way the bot makes Sapphire rings is really inefficient. It doesn't withdraw the gold bars and sapphires thirteen at a time like someone normally would, but rather fourteen at a time, which leads to you missing either a gold bar or a sapphire at the end of the first run. This escalates into you having four sapphires in your inventory after making one batch of rings, banking, withdrawing fourteen bars, then only making four rings before having to bank again, with ten gold bars to spare. Otherwise, I'm really liking the script. Good job EDIT: This also happens if, say, you had the bot mine 270 copper and 270 tin, then smelt 270 bronze bars. On the last run of tin mining, you'll have 27 ores in your inventory. My guess is that the bot sees that you have tin ore in your inventory, and therefore just tries to withdraw copper ore without checking how much space you have in your inventory. This results in the bot only withdrawing 1 copper (after depositing the pickaxe) and then smelting all the bronze bars possible (1). Which then frees up extra space. It then checks for tin in the inventory, realises it has tin already, then filling up its inventory with copper (2). etc. PROPOSED FIX: Have the bot deposit everything in the inventory before starting the next task.
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