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Everything posted by Rickitan

  1. Hey, can I trial your herblore script?

  2. can i trial? will be able to use tonight/tomorrow.
  3. nvm, busy today will try sometime soon
  4. demon butler freezes when dialogue is asking if you would like him to repeat last action? nevermind i read instructions lmao
  5. hey can I get one of those construction trials? thanks

    1. Eagle Scripts

      Eagle Scripts

      Trial granted. No need to post both on the script's thread and my profile though; just patiently wait until I have had time to get online ?

  6. hi, may i receive a trial please?
  7. hey man, could i have a free trial? thanks brotha
  8. Banned after 3 hours. yikes...
  9. where is the shift click option? not seeing it.
  10. I'm sorry! Where is the shift clicking options?
  11. Hey, recently started using the client for abyss, however, as I come to the nature alter I craft the first initial invetory, but the bot clicks fill on both pouches instead of emptying, eventually teleporting back to edge shortly after instead of crafting the essence inside the pouches. fix this please
  12. could I have a trial please? Thanks!
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