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  1. Thanks for the reply, I will look into purchasing vouchers for gp. Unforunately I didn't get to test this over the xmas period, please can you re-activate?
  2. Hey, do you accept osrs gp for this? If so how much GP would it cost?
  3. Thank you! I am using the stronghold plugin. When banking, it runs past edgeville bank, then runs to the ferox enclave for some reason? And it doesn't even bank there. Kind regards
  4. Hi, I'll sell. IDK what the rates are atm? Are you USD or GBP? I sell to close customers for usually £0.55 / mil, quite expensive I know, but they trust me. Let me know
  5. eremenow


    Thanks, I got to try it for a bit. It looks good, the only thing I could think of improvement wise - is an option to misclick the npc occasionally, as you can run this for hours and it won't misclick once
  6. eremenow


    Thank you, unfortunately I cannot see the script?
  7. eremenow


    Hi, please could I try this script? I am back to osrs, I think I asked to try this script before, but never got it unfortunately. Thanks!
  8. eremenow


    hey this looks like a nice script, I am new to osbot.could i try this one? thx
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