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  1. hey just wondering if the updates included a way to choose a tile you return to after banking?
  2. Yeah I feel there are a lot of areas in this bot that could be sped up. for example: when you use the bucket of water on the molten metal to cool it down, it waits for like 10-15 seconds before taking the bars. It's almost as if it is imitating you going off-screen but I doubt the average person would go off-screen after knowing the bars are done instantly after clicking with a bucket. Another example is when it asks how many bars you want to take, same thing applies here, usually if someone clicks on that they know the box comes up so they would in probably a second click on all but the bot hangs for like 10 seconds. sorry if these are just me and I'm doing something wrong let me know. EDIT: also another thing I just noticed with the bucket, sometimes when you use the bucket on the molten metal it will go refill the bucket, then go back to take the metal and then go to the bank.
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