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  1. Does the login email come with the account (email access)
  2. Looking for a hcim or ionman between total levels of 1200-1500 with a strong preference of 99 firemaking. preferably no black marks all recovery info included login email must come with acc.
  3. SI = Ban for me MM = fun times. Only time I experience bans with MM is due to the script not working properly on MM (rarely) Day typically includes 6-8 hours botting time some days none.
  4. There is similiar accs for sale current with a starting bid of 500m from reputable sellers. That should give you an idea.
  5. Looking for mid game iron man / hcim. My only real requirement is that the email registered to it comes with the acc along with all recovery info. If you have this i would ask that you have a price in mind.
  6. Does the original email access come with the account? Also all the information to recover the account as well?
  7. Whats the reasoning for selling such a nice acc? Are you will to have a mm hold acc to make sure it won't get recov?
  8. You could even be the Jmod trying to learn other peoples strats.. who knows. . heck i could be a jmod.. heck this site could be ran by a jmod.. ?
  9. I had a 2k total may he rest easily.. a 1200 ttl just got the boot. now working with a 1100, 950, and a 820. for mains.
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