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Everything posted by ghostskiller

  1. waterfall quest on debug mode wont work it gets stuck at bank not sure why

    1. Token


      At what stage is it stuck?

    2. ghostskiller


      the beginning oddly when i start it with all items in inventory it still runs to bank trying to get lobsters

  2. Script Version: 

    OSBot Version:

    Stealth Injection or Mirror mode:

    1. Brief description of the issue:

    Stack trace and or contents of Logger: 

    Screenshot where it got stuck:

    Item id of the clue scroll:


    Look I'm just here to say exco clue has been bugging up a lot i have a maxed account and yet it get stuck on clues like finding captian ginea i have screenshot but bro I'm old trying to get this URL nonsense to work instead of just uploading the screenshot from my pictures is making me even more angry so idk ill figure that out make this UI more old people friendly but i used to love this script but its been extra buggy lately

  3. I have a few questions

    1. Czar


      Will answer all questions in your pm! :D

  4. So it's back up and running I didn't want to use it unless it was ready
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