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  1. Banned 30 minutes into using this script. You need to change how this script works. It can't change camera angles every time to the exact location and looking so much like a bot. Going to seers village it runs the same path and goes into the bank before climbing up the wall to the course. I wouldn't recommend using tihs. There is no change every lap something has to change.
  2. pr3derp

    Risk Fighting

    What kind of risk fighting are you doing? While yes there is more skill to pking there is a huge luck factor involved. I used to do a lot of no armor whip/fury/bgs or primordial/ags/torture risking back in the day before the update that allowed players to hit below 0 hp. With the new update out unfortunately it has made risking fighting slightly less skill based and more rng based (just my opinion). The reason I feel this way is that now it is pretty much down to who is going to get blessed by the RNG gods first. I have had days where i have made over 100m in a few hours, but I have also had days where i've lost that same amount in a few hours. Personally I would avoid no arm risk fighting anymore because you just can simply not out eat a 42 Tent into a 42 42 gmaul spec & a 56 bgs smack and that's not even including the veng combos. I think the highest stack i've been killed and killed with was about 160 hp in like 1 tik. Risk fighting just isn't the same with the new update
  3. Don't click any links it is phishing. If jagex thought you had anything to do with RWT they would just ban you. They will NOT email you about this.
  4. Asking to much for what these accounts are going to be used for. Not planing on these accounts surviving. Thank you for the post though
  5. Okay I will be in touch Oh yeah I don't have a problem with botted stats I plan on basically just suicide these pretty much, and I just find it funny when people say they are hand made
  6. I have seen someone selling on here cheaper than that with slightly lower stats. Noted though as i know you are a reputable person on this site. May have to just pick up the amount of accounts i want over a period of time at that price. Void & regicide done as well? And i mean are they actually hand trained... we are on a botting forum feel like that is the biggest lie on here haha Noted will take into consideration at that price
  7. Looking to buy between 3-5 zulrah ready accounts. Please Posts stats and price below.
  8. What are the typical stats people go for before it is actually worth it? 75 mage range 70 def?
  9. Thanks mate wasn't really trying to make a shit load of money off of it more just to have fun on in game. If someone had the knowledge to make it profitable I would be willing to go that route
  10. I have the computer to run 100 bots at a time if I wanted to. I am trying to learn the best method to suicide accounts purely for money(obviously if they didnt all end up banned that would be a plus). For the right partner who has the knowledge but not the power needed I would be more than happy to split profits ect. I realize that knowledge is very valuable here in the botting community, and I don't expect everyone to give up their trade secrets, but anything such as what skills are worth it, and what kind of methods would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time
  11. Getting about 180k xp/hr with oak larders after the new update 2 1/2 hour run time for second time today. I am having one issue with the script randomly stopping after like 2 hours sometimes though. Done about 36k planks with this bot since purchase and thats the only issue ive had.
  12. It doesn't allow you to justify it though... I had an account that was recovered by someone else and they had it banned for RWT. I can't even comment saying that it wasn't me on the account I just want them to check the IP logs and they would realize it
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